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Fearful Child - Magic


Magic is asking you to remember that unseen forces of love are always at work in your life.  Whether you believe that they are next to you or whether you feel as though you are completely alone, it does not matter.  They are always there working to help you through the difficulties that may come your way.  In your weakest most fearful moments you are being held in love by the energy of the universe, your guides and angels.  Your spirit helpers are always working to make the process easier for you.  When things seemingly go wrong in our lives we often feel abandoned and alone wondering how they could let this happen to us.  But, it is during these times that our guides and angels are most active, helping to soothe and calm us while we work through the challenges we are facing.  You came to this planet not to experience a perfect existence, but rather to enjoy the process of life and the many challenges you would encounter.  Your guides work with you daily to help you meet those challenges with love and courage.  When you fully surrender to the process and trust that you are loved and guided it is much easier to face the fears that can at times seem overwhelming.  Know that your spirit guides are doing everything they can to help you through your hardships.  As you open more to this assistance you will be able to recognize the soothing energy and helpful support you are receiving everyday.


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