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Lonely Soul - Water


Water is asking you to let go of past hurts and relationships that no longer support who you are.  It is sometimes difficult to set free people and situations that we have been hanging on to for a very long time.   However, when those relationships are no longer beneficial to you it is often better to let go of them completely then to allow them to continue causing detriment in your life.  Another way of letting go of the past includes forgiving yourself and others for harm done.  Often we can repair and improve many relationships simply by forgiving and forgetting.  It is far better to let go of the painful feelings of hurt and pain than to release people from our lives without ever forgiving them.   Even though they may no longer be a part of our lives physically, if we are still holding on to the pain that may continue to be detrimental to us long after the people who caused that pain have moved out of our lives.  Forgive others for them, but mainly for you.

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