When I was 26 years old living in North Carolina, I started meditating in the woods. I had read, “Way of the Peaceful Warrior” by Dan Millman and it changed my life. It opened me up to a new world of LOVE, enchantment and mystery. During one of my meditation sessions I encountered my first spirit guide. Her name was Czabrina. She had long black flowing hair and I felt such a comforting energy in her presence. Soon I would begin to encounter an entire family of guides. There were 13 in total and then some of them had partners and so there was bout 18 beings that I communicated with on a regular basis. I was told the reason they came to me at that specific time is because I was 'twice 13', 26 years old. Well here I am now, 26 years later. Twice 13 again at 52!
A lot has changed since those days when I first started on this journey. I have expanded my spiritual awareness by leaps and bounds, learned vibrational and energy alignment, mastered my meditation techniques and am STILL learning MORE all of these years later. 8 years ago I asked Spirit to help me teach people what I know and how I access the Spirit Realm. At that time I was given the KEYS to Spirit Communication, which I would later call the SEED of the HEART of LOVE. It was very important for me to teach people how to COMMUNICATE with Spirit in AUTHENTIC and TRUTHFUL ways. And I was given tools and techniques to help people recognize and understand how to know when they are connected to TRUE Source energy and how to determine the messages they are receiving are from Source. That was the beginning of my Spirit Speaker course. I've taught those classes first in Hawai'i, then in Ohio. I've had retreats in Mt. Shasta, California and Denver, Colorado. All in an attempt to teach people this beautiful work that I love so much!
About 6 months ago I began to realize that my Spirit Communication work had started to reach an entirely new level, as more information came through about HOW and WHY I was connecting with the Energy Beings who brought through such beautiful messages. With the change of dimensional energy and the shift to the new Agape Timeline, followed by the powerful energies of the total eclipse, the aurora borealis, and the summer solstice energy which took us to the TRIAD PEAK, we are NOW standing in a TIME and PLACE in history like NO other time! The 'veil' between the Spirit Realm and the Earth Realm and the Inter Dimensional Realms is thinner than ever before! And our access to these realms is much greater than it has ever been in our history on this planet. I began asking Spirit to guide me to NEW information and to help me create a NEW course of Spirit Communication that will help people reach a NEW level of understanding about how to connect with Spirit and all the wonderful energy beings that exist both inter-dimensionally on this planet and off planet realms. They are desperately seeking to reach us now and to support us through this transition. NOW is the time for us to finally open to that understanding.
Three years ago when I was in Mt. Shasta, California I channeled a message from an inter-galactic council. During that channeling session I was told that I would be receiving information for a book about Home Planet energies. That information has been slowly coming through over the past three years and I was guided to ALSO include that in this new program of study! Those of you that have been coming to my classes and events know that I've been hinting about MAGICAL MYSTERY SCHOOL for awhile! But, the energy hadn't fully manifested... Until Now! Yesterday I got the FINAL PIECE to the puzzle and the last influx of information that will be included in the course and we are GOOD to GO!
Magical Mystery School will be a 10 week program separated into two 5 week courses with a few weeks break in between. You will be able to take the classes in 3 ways. Live via ZOOM from anywhere in the world OR in person at Lotus Grove Wellness in Massillon, Ohio OR via recorded video anytime at your leisure. Recordings of the class will be available for all within 24 hours after the class has ended. If you are looking to take your SPIRIT COMMUNICATION to the next level, please consider attending MAGICAL MYSTERY SCHOOL. I am soooo excited to be sharing all of this information with you! Some old, most NEW and a lot will be channeled ON THE SPOT! Join me for MAGICAL MYSTERY SCHOOL starting Thursday, August 15th at 7PM. Information for the class materials being taught is on my site and special EARLY BIRD pricing is available until the end of July! Let's LEARN TOGETHER as we bring more MAGIC and MYSTERY into our lives!