Thu, Jun 18
|Essential Ways
Dream Interpretation & Astral Projection Class
In this Dream Interpretation & Astral Projection Class you will Learn how to clearly & accurately interpret your dreams utilizing sacred symbols & unlocking secret codes.
Date & Time:
Jun 18, 2020, 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM EDT
Essential Ways, 33 Charles Ave SE, Massillon, OH 44646, USA
 In this Dream Interpretation & Astral Projection Class you will Learn how to clearly & accurately interpret your dreams utilizing sacred symbols & unlocking secret codes. During this comprehensive class you will be taught specific techniques on how to quickly & easily identify symbol meanings, then how to connect them with other dream codes for precise interpretation. Learn how to use your dreams for personal creation in your real life experiences and how to easily access the astral planes to discover deeper levels of personal understanding of the spiritual plane. Have trouble remembering your dreams? This class will help give you tools to activate a more vibrant and memorable dream life and teach you simple techniques for lucid dreaming. If you've been wanting to experience a dream quest or learn how to more accurately understand the dreams you have been experiencing this is the class for you. Cost - $40 Pre-Pay in advance or $50 at the door the day of the event
Your Instructor: Brian Borell During the past 20 years of studying Spirit Communication, Brian Borell has developed a comprehensive method for learning and understanding how Spirit Beings connect with us and precisely what we need to do in the physical dimension in order to clearly and accurately connect with these guides and receive the messages they have for us. Over the past several years Brian Borell has been channeling information for a Spirit Communication Guidebook and this Dream Interpretation and Astral Projection course is the culmination of the information for that section of his book.
Brian Borell is an ordained minister and law of attraction life coach and has been doing spirit readings for the past 20 years. Focusing primarily on a form of spirit communication called "Language of Light" he is able to connect individuals with their Spirit Guides, Angelic Helpers and Energy Masters to help provide spiritual alignment. In addition to spirit readings he is adept in energy restoration work as a 5th level practitioner of Phoenix Vibrational Healing. PVH is a form of energy healing work that utilizes sacred codes and geometry to vibrationally influence and revitalize the mind, body and spirit.
He currently resides between Ohio and Honolulu, Hawai'i where he is in the process of writing several books including a spiritual communication guidebook and a new age adventure novel. He has most recently published his Divine Guidance Oracle Deck which features photos taken during his spiritual journeys throughout the Hawai'ian islands.Â