Thu, Aug 15
|Lotus Grove Wellness Center
Join us LIVE on ZOOM or IN PERSON at LOTUS GROVE WELLNESS in Massillon, Ohio Thursdays at 7PM Level One August 15, 22, 29 / September 5, 12 AND Level Two October 10, 17, 24, 31 / November 7
Date & Time:
Aug 15, 2024, 7:00 PM
Lotus Grove Wellness Center, 33 Charles Ave SE SE, Massillon, OH 44646, USA
You may access the course
2. LIVE on ZOOM through your personal computer or mobile phone
3. VIA Recorded Video at your Leisure. Video will be available for 24 hours after the live event and you will have access to the video for at least 30 days.
All students will have access to the recorded video whether you attend the class online or via ZOOM AND you may access classes in ANY way you choose at any time throughout the course. So for example you may attend in person one week, then choose to watch live on Zoom the following week and then the third week you might have plans and then you can access the recorded video at anytime you choose. The only required classes are in LEVEL TWO for Practicum and Certification evenings. (Those are noted with "Required For Certification" by the date)
Course Curriculum
August 15th
The HEART of it all.
Around eight years ago I was given what my guides have called the KEYS to Spirit Communication. Later on I would call this energy the SEED of the HEART of LOVE. This information is ABSOLUTELY vital for ANYONE who wishes to connect and communicate with Spirit Beings. Whether you have just started your spiritual journey or you've been on the path for years, this class will help you to create a practice that you can rely on and trust to ALWAYS channel TRUE and ACCURATE information for both yourself and others.
- Learn how to tell if you are connected to TRUE Source Energy.
- Learn how to determine if the messages you are receiving are accurate and reliable.
- Recognize the difference between reading from True Spirit or reading from False Vibrations.
- Learn what TYPE of information you should be channeling and how best to receive that information.
- Learn how to utilize muscle testing and pendulum dowsing to tap into Spirit.
August 22nd
Reading Tools and Techniques
- Learn a wide variety of tools and techniques you can use to channel various messages.
- Utilizing muscle testing and or pendulum dowsing to confirm and challenge messages and information you are receiving.
- Learn to COLD READ Tarot and Oracle Cards for advanced Spirit Communication without the need to learn hundreds of symbolic messages that may or may not be appropriate for the client you are currently reading.
- Learn basic Runes and casting stones or sticks.
- Learn cloud scrying, stone scrying and symbol interpretation of messages from nature and the world around you.
August 29th
Advanced Spirit Guide Channeling
- Learn ALL the various TYPES of SPIRIT GUIDES and how to connect and communicate with them individually and in groups.
- Learn how to identify your guides, first by type then by name, then by purpose.
- Learn how to develop a RELATIONSHIP with your guides and connect on not only a spiritual level but on an emotional level.
- Learn about FAMILY GUIDES and COUNCIL GUIDES and how to connect and interact with them both.
- Learn how to SEE and connect with your guides in the SPIRIT REALM and allow that connection to become more personal.
- Learn how to SEE and connect with your guides in the PHYSICAL REALM (Yes, I said PHYSICAL REALM) and allow that connection to become more personal.
September 5th & 12th (Parts 1 & 2)
Realms on Realms on Realms
- Learn the various TYPES of realms that you can tap into and channel from. Learn how to TRAVEL to the various realms safely and how to utilize the MERKABA for projection / protection purposes.
- Learn HOW to access the following realms
Earth Realm / Earth Halo
- Learn the difference between earth realm readings and earth halo readings and how to activate the correct PLANE of EXISTENCE when you are channeling earth energy.
Astral Plane
- Learn Astral Projection Techniques from both the sleeping state and the awakened state. Learn how to travel in the Astral Plane and how to stay safe in that plane.
Dream Plane
- Learn quick dream symbol connection and interpretation. Learn how to create dream satchels and vibrational energy to help support dream activation, dream creation, dream travel, dream remembrance.
Inter-dimensional Realms
- Learn how to connect to, access and channel from the following inter-dimensional realms
- Faery Realms
- Underwater Realms (Atlantis / Lemuria)
- Inner Earth Realms (Shasta / Paladians not to be mistaken with Pleadians)
- Inter Galactic Realms
- Home Planets
- Learn how to discover your home planet energy, learn how to travel to and connect with your home planet energy and learn how to channel your home planet council, council guides and ancestral guides.
Spirit Realm
- Learn how to tap into SOURCE energy from the SPIRIT realm.
October 10th
Akashic Records (Part One)
- Learn what the TRUE Akashic Records are, how to access them and what information you have available to you in that realm.
- Learn how to recognize and IDENTIFY false Akashic Records and keep yourself from channeling information that may be inaccurate or untrue.
- Learn how to utilize the MERKABA bubble for Spirit Travel and in order to access the REALM of Akashic Records.
October 17th
Full Moon Readings Practicum "Required For Certification"
Participate in a full moon reading session where each person offers readings and channeling sessions to each other in the class. This will be your first live FULL practicum session where you will be able to practice and demonstrate your skills for certification. This will be open to all student in person and online through ZOOM and will be a LIVE session that you must attend at the time.
October 24th
Akashic Records (Part Two)
- Learn how to connect to your own or any other's PAST LIFE chronicles and be able to connect and communicate that story.
- Learn how to SEE into someone's past life physical features and experience the energy of watching their past life faces become visible with your PHYSICAL eyes.
- Learn the difference between SOUL MATES, TWIN FLAMES and DIVINE COMPLIMENTS. And learn WHY most of the information being dispersed on 'twin flames' is incorrect and dangerous.
- Learn about SOUL CONTRACTS, what they are, why we create them and how to DISOLVE one that is no longer beneficial.
- Learn what a LIFE TRAJECTORY BLUEPRINT is, learn if you are living under one and determine if it is still useful and whether it needs to be reinforced or dis-created.
October 31st
Halloween Round Robin "Required For Certification"
Participate in a HALLOWEEN public reading session where each person offers readings and channeling sessions of your choice to invited guests. This will be your first live FULL reading sessions where you will be able to demonstrate your skills for Spirit Speaker certification. This will be open to all student in person and online through ZOOM and will be a LIVE session that you must attend at the time posted.
November 7th
Spirit Speaker Certification Graduation and Round Up. This class will be reserved to cover any topics that students have additional questions on and will provide an opportunity to catch up on any missed material that we didn't have time to cover during the full course.
FAQ for Magical Mystery School.
1. Can I mix up my attendance, some online with Zoom, some in person and some via Recorded video?
- Yes, yes, yes! The reason we are offering ZOOM and RECORDED video is because we realize there are sometimes schedule conflicts and you can't always make it into class. This also allows people living in Hawai'i and Colorado to access the course anytime at their convenience whether LIVE or Recorded on ZOOM
2. Do I have to purchase LEVEL TWO now?
- No, you can purchase LEVEL ONE and then purchase LEVEL TWO later. I am offering the ten week course now at a DEEPLY discounted rate for those who are wanting to make the full 10 week commitment right off the bat. LEVEL TWO will be available to purchase up until the date of the class start, but at a higher price than the combined discounted rate.
3. Do I have to be CERTIFIED?
- Absolutely not. If you just want to enjoy the classes and learn the material then you will receive a CERTIFICATE of COMPLETION. No one is required to be Certified in the program unless you want.
4. Do I have to be experienced or have taken other Spirit Speaker courses?
- Absolutely not. Even though this material is advanced, EVERYONE can have access to this understanding and development of Spirit Communication skills. Basics will be taught right along side the more complex material and any questions you have can be asked in class or during Q & A periods at the beginning and end of classes.
Feel free to EMAIL ME any questions you have at anytime.
Send to fourhaven@gmail.com
This ticket is for CLASS 1 ONLY on Thursday, August 15th at 7PM EASTERN. Choose to attend in person at Lotus Grove Wellness in Massillon, Ohio OR Via ZOOM or Via Recorded ZOOM video any time at your leisure.
$89.00Sale ended