Almost There...
The path you are currently on has been difficult for you lately, but you are moving to a brighter future. Spirit is recognizing the struggle that you have had over the past few weeks and months and sees that you are reaching out for some sign in order to give you hope. This is your sign. A brighter day is coming and the trials that you have been experiencing lately will slowly resolve themselves until they are no longer an issue in your life. Trust that the universe will provide you with the exact help and support you need to overcome any issue or obstacle that has been presented to you. The efforts you have made have not gone unnoticed and you will soon begin to reap the rewards of a much higher spiritual perspective. Allow yourself to relax into the knowing that everything is going to be ok, that you are guided and loved by Spirit and that you have many angels, guides and spiritual helpers around you to support you on your journey. Take a moment now to close your eyes and feel their energy surround you. Sense the essence of their spirit wrapping you in love and revitalizing your being. Now take this new found feeling of strength and support and continue forward on your path.