Why do we experience illness?
The other night I was walking out the front door and saw the moon rising and these beautiful icicles hanging from the roof. I was...
Types & Purposes of Meditation
For those of you who are not on Facebook, I have started a Meditation Mastery Course Facebook Group which gives tips and suggestions for...
Magical Mystery School!
When I was 26 years old living in North Carolina, I started meditating in the woods. I had read, “Way of the Peaceful Warrior” by Dan...
For the past 26 years we have been preparing for THIS MOMENT! The SUMMER SOLSTICE of 2024 is the PEAK TRIAD and the culmination of all...
What Does it ACTUALLY Mean to SHIFT Dimensions and Change Timelines?
What does it ACTUALLY mean to shift dimensions and change timelines? And why should I care? I have had a few people asking me to explain...
Everything Is Lining Up!!!
Everything is lining up!!! From sunspots and solar flares, to eclipses and planetary line-ups, to skies full of aurora borealis. Why is...
Have you been in a state of financial fear, worry or panic? Are you struggling to make your monthly bills? Or just want to be in a place...
Emotional Turmoil
Last night I had a panic attack. Four of the people who I consider my closest friends had essentially stopped communicating with me. A...
During a session of Language of Light I was given a vision and a message about a special set of guides that everyone has in their life....
Wolf Full Moon
The WOLF MOON is the first FULL MOON of 2024 and the energy that we see coming together for this FULL MOON is a movement from solo...