Unseen Forces
Well I’m coming out of hiding after a rough few weeks. Had a connection I thought was really promising fade away, my Mom was in the hospital over Thanksgiving then a week later my pup had to go for an overnight stay. Finally Sunday morning I woke up with either terrible food poisoning or a flu bug that put me out for a couple days. Thankfully my Mom and my pup are recovering and doing really well. I’m much better also, though honestly feeling a bit raw emotionally and physically. Last night I couldn’t sleep and as I tossed and turned I was thinking about how alone I was feeling. I decided to do a quick reading for myself. Not something I often do but I was feeling so disconnected from my self, my guides and ultimately source. As I pulled the cards the one that stood out was a small girl sitting in a cave crying. There was a storm outside and from her perspective she was all alone. But as you looked at the card closer there were other elements that started to become clear. A small fox was curled up by her side, a large hawk was perched on a tree keeping watch outside her cave, a trio of fairies were flying above her head. The name of the card was ‘unseen forces’. And the message was that even in your darkest moments, when everything seems like it is falling apart Source is there, guiding you, protecting you and keeping you safe from the storm. As I was thinking about that little girl crying in the cave and recognizing myself in her I began to realize how much of her sadness was because she was focused on the storm instead of all the wonderfully supportive elements around her. I looked down by my side in bed and saw my own little fox curled up beside me. I smiled and reached out my hand to pet him and he stretched out his body with a big yawn and then smothered my hand with eager puppy kisses. My soul flooded with gratitude. Then I thought about my wonderful friend Traci who had spent so much time talking, praying and supporting me when I was at my worst. A true nonjudgmental friend who is always there to love and assist in the best times or the worst. And my wonderful colleague Shelly who I have spent hours and hours channeling Spirit with and receiving the most powerful and supportive messages from Source just when I needed them most. My wonderful worker Ronda who jumped in to help me with my business last minute both when my puppy was sick and when I was out. More and more gratitude as I began to think and focus on all the supportive friends, family and spiritual elements in my life. I had been too focused on the storm to see them clearly. To appreciate the incredibly divine orchestration of it all. I think back to that old religious poem footprints in the sand. Where the inquirer asks Jesus why there was only one set of footprints during the most trying times in his life and Jesus responds, those were the times I was carrying you. I think it’s common for us to feel alone when things get tough and life is hard, but if we truly take the time to look around, to look beyond the storm, we will see all the support we truly do have. And how much Spirit Source energy is carrying us through. With that in mind, I know a lot of people have been going through their own struggles this holiday season. So, If you’re feeling the need for a little support or just wanting to connect in with your guides for a holiday boost I will be doing my last Language of Light gathering for the year this Thursday at Lotus Grove in Massillon, Ohio. Message me directly for ticket info or visit my website. It’s going to be a small intimate evening. The perfect opportunity for us to come back into alignment and connect with our guides for that loving support and connection we all need at this time. Big Hugs & Aloha!
Brian Borell - Spirit Speaker.
