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Receiving From Unexpected Sources

My brother's family have been visiting from Hawai'i and last night we all went to the parade. It's been years since I've been to a small town parade and we had so much fun watching the old fashioned cars and fire trucks roll by. Lots of the parade vehicles had happy passengers throwing candy to the spectators who were joyfully scrambling onto the street to pick up the loads of sweet treasures. For the most part the candy treats consisted of suckers, tootsie rolls and smarties. But occasionally someone threw out mini chocolate bars like Snickers, Reese's and Hershey's. When those flew out everyone got even more excited including the adults! A load of Snicker bars and Reese's came out and my family was passing them around. I was on the side and back of the group so I wasn't really in the trajectory of the candy missiles. I shouted over all the chaos, “Send a piece of that chocolate back here...” None of my family heard me, so I shouted again, but with all the noise and the excitement they weren't focused in my direction and my cries went in vain... or so I thought. Suddenly I felt a tap on my knee and a little boy who had been sitting with the family on the other side of me handed me a little cookie's and cream Hershey bar. “Here you go!” he said, super excited to offer me a piece of his chocolate. “Thank you so much!” I said and took his humble offering. My eyes started to water up just a wee bit thinking about his special gift. He had heard me when no one else had and not even knowing me offered one of his very special treats to a total stranger.

As I thought about this experience throughout the evening, I was reminded of something I had heard Abraham channeled through Esther Hicks. Sometimes we will receive what we need, want and desire through UNEXPECTED sources. If we are ONLY looking at the EXPECTED ways to receive we might miss the UNIQUE and CREATIVE ways SOURCE finds to give you what you desire. When you align yourself with source energy, you are brought to the perfect PLACE, PEOPLE and EXPERIENCES that open you up to receive EXACTLY what you desire in JUST THE RIGHT MOMENT. I have been doing some one on one coaching for the past month with a Tantric Life Coach and one of the things I have been working on is learning to RECEIVE from a place of alignment. So often those of us who are deeply spiritual are open to GIVE and will ALIGN with source energy to channel messages, transmit healing energy and all kinds of spiritual work. But, how often do we take time to align SPECIFICALLY to RECEIVE? We consider receiving selfish or egotistical, but it's extremely important for us to achieve a balance of both giving AND receiving. For that child who offered me the candy bar, he was certainly aligned to give and learning how special it is to be the source for someone else to receive. For me in that moment, since I had been actively practicing alignment to receive, I was in the perfect place to accept his gift. AND to learn a wonderful lesson of how sometimes the place where we EXPECT to receive the gift isn't always the avenue SOURCE will use to provide you with what you want, need and desire. Certainly a lesson I won't soon forget. And a wonderful reminder to kick-off this SUMMER of LOVE!


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by Brian Borell


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