What Does it ACTUALLY Mean to SHIFT Dimensions and Change Timelines?
What does it ACTUALLY mean to shift dimensions and change timelines? And why should I care? I have had a few people asking me to explain exactly what it means to SHIFT DIMENSIONS or CHANGE TIMELINES, so I thought I would give a brief rundown of exactly what these changes are and why they are so important to us as SPIRITUAL BEINGS at this time.
Many people have been talking about the shift of DIMENSIONS for years. What most people don't realize is the SHIFT in dimensions isn't something that is happening on the OUTSIDE. It's something that is happening on the INSIDE of YOU and all the PHYSICAL essence of this planet and dare I say, UNIVERSE.
Our PERCEPTION ability is LOOSENING. Becoming LESS DENSE. The 3 dimensional reality that we live with in on this earth plane is very solid and physically dense, while the inter-dimensional realms are more 'vaporous' or less solid. IF you have ever astral projected then you have witnessed first hand the EXPERIENCE of a different dimensional reality. Everything is porous including yourself and you can MOVE THROUGH the physical objects in the space with ease. It's also much easier to manipulate objects, your own personal form and SEE the subtler energy fields that exist all around us.
Some people have claimed, that we will be coming to a time where we can “walk through walls”, while I don't doubt that will be the case in some future Star Trekian version of the world, I don't see that as something that will be happening in this current dimensional shift we are experiencing.
However, our abilities to CREATE, CONTROL, AND THINK into CREATION our DREAMS and REALITIES will become more and more fluid and open. Our PERCEPTIONS of subtler energy fields and inter-dimensional realms will become more clear. The perception VEIL between THIS realm and the SPIRIT REALM, FAERY REALM and other INTER-DIMENSIONAL GALACTIC REALMS is also opening.
Most of the visions I see are in thought form, dream realm and through meditative focus. Rarely do I see energy or beings with my physical eyes. Three years ago when I was on top of Mount Shasta doing readings, I had the pleasure of seeing the CRYSTAL CITY appear right before my PHYSICAL EYES. As I was already in a meditative or LESS DENSE state giving the reading, I was in a heightened state of DIMENSIONAL awareness. In the distance I could see (with my physical eyes) the CRYSTAL CITY form. There were beautiful PINK and PURPLE buildings and flying beings moving from place to place. I started screaming out loud right in the middle of the reading! “Do you see it! Do you see it!!, the CRYSTAL CITY, it's right there!!” LOL Everyone around me was startled and as I broke from my more meditative state the vision faded. For a moment I thought, “I was just seeing things”. But then about 5 minutes later it started to appear again! I started screaming again! “There it is again! Do you see it, do you see it!!!” LOL That was the confirmation I needed that I hadn't just imagined it, but that the vision was real and I was being shown just how possible it IS for us to SEE, CONNECT and PHYSICALLY perceive so much MORE than we ever thought possible.
In 2021 the NEW DIMENSIONAL PLATFORM settled and was locked into place. Allowing this NEW softer more fluid PERCEPTION and MANIFESTATIONAL ability to be available to ANYONE who aligns with it. And that includes YOU!
Here are some SPIRITUAL SYMPTOMS of a dimensional shift that you may have experienced over the last several years. And this will provide you with some evidence that you are open and actively aligning with the NEW DIMENSIONAL PLATFORM that we all now exist upon.
- Seeing Strange Visions or what appears to be shadows moving in and out of your physical vision.
- Stars or flashes of light can be seen with eyes opened or closed.
- Influx of butterflies, birds, squirrels, woodland animals and birds that seem to be speaking to you or trying to connect to your energy field.
- Very VIVID dreams that feel VERY real to you upon waking and an ability to go back into those dreams through thought meditation upon waking.
- Super fast manifestation of dreams or desires. Things line up very quickly and you start receiving things that you only just thought about recently.
- Street lights blinking or turning off and on right as you drive or walk underneath them.
- Reality starts behaving more like dreams and dreams start behaving more like reality
- Easier to change your mind. Events don't HOLD you hostage.
- Flux in jobs, career, schooling.
- Wanting to have the freedom to change your mind and your feelings change much more frequently around events or even desires.
- Being able to LET GO easier. Not feeling trapped by people or circumstances.
For those of you that have been reading my posts and blog, you are very aware of the BIG TIMELINE shift that occurred 2 years ago during the Lion's Gate Portal. That timeline shift was from the WORK = VALUE timeline that we had been on for centuries, to the AGAPE TIMELINE or LOVE = VALUE based timeline. That timeline finally LOCKED into place last summer. That being said, we still have had 'REVERBERATION' on our timeline, while the OLD timeline fully dissipates. Those who value CONTROL, DOMINANCE and POWER over LOVE are struggling with the shift and as they continue to ATTEMPT to dominate, the energy field will fluctuate. There need be NO FEAR of losing the timeline to that old energy now that it has locked into place. However, you may have found yourself oscillating back and forth between timelines as the 'vibrating' effect begins to fade.
Business ventures, careers, partnerships, even relationships that were built on the old timeline MUST re-build foundationally by putting LOVE at the cornerstone of EVERY endeavor. Those who refuse to do that will find that their success begins to flounder and eventually will collapse all together. This is a MAJOR reason why we have NOT been able to get a good footing on NEW projects that have been started over the past couple years, or why many of us have felt STUCK. Anything that was built during the transition did not have a solid foundation and so it was prone to collapse, fizzle out, or just not moving forward with the success that you might have hoped.
The summer solstice happening THIS WEEK, will be the PEAK transitional energy of ALL that we have been experiencing over the past 26 years and will create a STRONG FOUNDATION for all projects and businesses and career moves that have LOVE as their foundation. No more oscillating, no more fear of collapse. While those who insist on building WORK = VALUE based experiences will still struggle, those who have found and HONOR their own SELF-WORTH, LOVE and COMPASSION at their core will succeed incredibly well.
Here are some TIMELINE fluctuation symptoms you may have experienced over the last couple years.
- Sleep Schedules disrupted. Waking up at odd hours of the night or not being able to sleep properly. Feeling as though you could sleep at any time of the day and when it's time to sleep, not being able to.
- Strange dreams that feel like part of an alternate life you are living elsewhere. Waking to your life feeling odd or strange. Not yourself.
- Extreme fatigue. Like you're in a walking dream.
- Forget what day it is OR being ABSOLUTELY convinced that it's another day of the week and when you find out you're wrong you are VERY confused and startled (this has happened to me a lot. It can be extremely jarring because you are SO convinced that it's a different day of the week)
- Driving time lapse. This happens usually when you're driving long distances. You will think you are at one location and suddenly you are well beyond where you thought you were and you can't remember how you got there or it feels foggy and uncertain.
- Waking up and feeling like you're not living your own life. Feeling like a stranger in your own body.
- Weird dreams and visions that feel extremely real or like predictions of the future or some distant past.
- Memories of who you once were pop up and it feels like you hardly remember even living that life or being that person.
If you have experienced any of these symptoms it is likely that you have been hopping timelines. The more spiritually aware you are, the more likely you are noticing the extreme changes in energy as the planet reverberates back and forth between timelines. Once we reach the SUMMER SOLSTICE PEAK, all of this will begin to dissipate and you will FINALLY be able to build your dreams with full and complete confidence.
This Tuesday I will be doing clearings to help you advance your CAREER, CREATIVE ENDEAVORS, BUSINESS PROJECTS and PERSONAL LIFE GOALS and DREAMS Whatever they may be!
We will be doing a ton of clearings that will help you to let go of the past, clear out any discord from your past and future self timelines and help you to step into the LIFE OF YOUR DREAMS! With the LOVE-BASED foundation that you need to be fully successful!
Price for this workshop is only $25 and you can join us LIVE in person at Lotus Grove Wellness or LIVE on ZOOM or ANY TIME through recorded video I will provide to you via email. Tickets are available on my website, just search brian borell or message me directly for info. This is going to be an EXTREMELY powerful event!
Big Hugs!
Brian Borell – Spirit Speaker
