Last night I had a panic attack. Four of the people who I consider my closest friends had essentially stopped communicating with me. A couple had ignored my texts completely, another had been busy with someone else and one was working and not able to respond. In my fear, I had this extreme moment of loneliness and then a horrible panic that I had done something wrong and had lost them all. Eventually, most of them responded to me and let me know that they were still there and everything was OK. One had been going to a funeral, another one had a super stressful day at work and the other was also overwhelmed emotionally. As I started to check in with myself and others around me I noticed there has been a lot of emotional turmoil the end of this month. At least 3 friends I know have lost family members or very close friends, others are having extremely emotional frustrations with work and career. Some are struggling financially and are just feeling extremely heavy emotions.
As I laid awake in my bed contemplating the depth of all these emotions, the grief, despair, frustrations, loneliness and even fear or panic, I asked Spirit for guidance and direction. Soon a very bright FLASH of lightning struck followed by a loud thunderclap. Finny, my adorable pup started shaking like crazy and panting. He was having a panic attack. In his small mind all he could feel was fear. I picked him up and assured him everything was OK. I wrapped my arm around him and just held him close while he shook and panted. My heart went out to him as every part of my being just wanted to ensure him that EVERYTHING IS OK. The storm will pass and the lightning and thunder won't harm you. I kept saying, “I've got you, I won't let anything bad happen to you. You're safe in my arms.”
Suddenly I heard my guides telling me, “This is what we are doing for you! We are holding you so close to us. We are quietly speaking into your ear that... Everything is going to be OK, we have your back. Nothing can truly harm you. You are an eternal being. You are here for a reason and when it's your time to go you will easily shift into the next realm. There is nothing to fear every. There is not endedness. We are supporting you every step of the way...” As these words washed over me I could still feel Finny shaking under my arms. As much as I was trying to reassure him that everything WAS OK, in his tender puppy brain he was still afraid. And then I realized that is much like me. Even though I am constantly being reassured by my guides, my friends, the Universe, Creator Source Energy, there is still a part of this HUMAN brain of mine that still feels fear. And that's OK. That's part of what makes us HUMAN. What I did realize very clearly though was that I also have the ability to FOCUS and that I could make a choice about how long I wanted to stay in these emotions. I have tools to cleanse and clear the vibrational energy around them, I have tools to shift my thought focus from that of fear to one of hopefulness and trust. While I wasn't scolding myself for feeling the intensity of my emotions, I quickly understood that I had a choice about them and I could shift that energy.
Almost immediately as I began to feel relief around my OWN emotions I could feel Finny become more and more calm under my arm. As I was reflecting the energy of LOVE and TRUST and HOPEFULNESS, so to was Finny. Then I began to realize what a powerful influence we can have on not only the animals around us, but the friends, family and even just acquaintances we pass on the street. When we are focussed in a place of LOVE not only are we uplifting ourselves but we are also UPLIFTING others! Just a simple SMILE. A word of encouragement or a listening ear. As my friends all started contacting me again I realized they were all struggling to some degree in their own way. And that I had the power to help them come into alignment with their own well-being by offering my LOVE and SUPPORT. By helping them I am ALSO helping me!
With that in mind I am offering my next ZOOM class! EMOTIONAL SUPPORT and WELL-BEING! Turning thoughts of FEAR into LOVE and SUPPORT! During this Zoom class we will be discussing GRIEF, LOSS, EMOTIONAL SUPPORT. What it means to LOVE through the FEAR. And how to TRANSFORM your FEAR based energies. I will be offering you VIBRATIONAL HEALING techniques through Negative Emotional Charge clearings, Shock Panic and Trauma Clearing, Transformative Journaling Techniques and ways to temper grief through connection with passed over loved one and Spirit Journeys! This class is FREE, but donations are always appreciated. You can register for this class HERE.