For those of you who are not on Facebook, I have started a Meditation Mastery Course Facebook Group which gives tips and suggestions for meditation mastery and check-ins to help you stay focussed on making sure you are meditating on a daily basis. I'm going to be bringing this course to my website so that ANYONE who is interested can have access to all the materials. Here is today's post. I thought you might enjoy reading it and if you're interested in joining us pop on by the Facebook Group HERE or you'll be able to access it on my website in a couple weeks.
Types & Purposes of Meditation
I wanted to talk about the different types of meditations and the PURPOSE behind each. I think it's important to identify your goal for meditation to help motivate your ongoing practice and keep you moving forwards towards that goal.
MANIFESTATION MEDITATION (Feel Better) Abraham (Esther Hicks) would say that the PURPOSE of ANY meditation is to FEEL BETTER. Period. And in that space of having a better feeling emotion you are 'raising' (OR as I like to say 'CLEARING') your vibrational field which brings you into a space where you are in more direct alignment with SOURCE and your DESIRES. This alignment then allows you to bring into MANIFEST that which you are seeking.
According to Abraham (Esther Hicks) our ability to manifest our dreams and desires is in direct correlation to our ability to come into vibrational congruency or alignment with those desires. And one of the easiest ways to come into alignment with our dreams and desires is to LET GO of resistance. And one of the easiest ways to LET GO of resistance is meditation.
Esther Hicks has a Meditation CD which focuses on 4 different aspects of Manifestation that most of us want in our lives. Relationships, Abundance, Health and General Spiritual Well-Being. These meditations have specific text and guidelines that help to SHIFT THOUGHT during the meditation to ideas and concepts that are more in alignment with our wants and desires around those topics. I've had really good success with those meditations, but have found that just simply meditating for clarity with a white noise sound or fan is just as beneficial.
Another type of meditation is called an ACTIVE meditation. And an active meditation is meant to help BRING FOCUS. In an active meditation you are DOING something physical, walking, staring at a candle, washing the dishes, drumming etc. Some type of physical repetitive activity that helps your brain to TUNE in and FOCUS on ONE particular activity.
Active meditations can really be anything, as long as you are bringing your though attention TO the activity and not mindlessly doing it while your thoughts wander. The key here is to bring your total attention and awareness to the activity so the activity in and of itself QUIETS the mind as you are so focused on the sequence, the beat, the movement of your body, that your mind stops thinking it's other mundane thoughts and remains fixed on the ACTIVE meditation.
Some of the things you can ask yourself when you're doing an active meditation...
How does my body feel as I'm doing this activity?
How can I slow my actions down so I am aware of every movement and every feeling as I perform this physical activity?
Where are my thoughts moving? And am I really focusing on this activity or have I shifted out of the meditation into my daily thoughts?
Yoga, Hand Mudras, Tai Chi are other great examples of ACTIVE meditations. Even just general exercise or lifting weights can be great active meditation. One thing to keep in mind is that if you ARE choosing to utilize ACTIVE meditation as a technique, be VERY AWARE of drifting thoughts. It's easy for us to get USED to the meditation activity and our BRAIN starts to wander off and we aren't really meditating anymore. This can happen during ANY type of mediation practice as you get USED to the style. Be sure you occasionally switch things up and shift your meditation styles and techniques to keep you focused on your purpose.
MIND WAVE MEDITATION (Alter the Physical Being)
Next we'll talk about the MIND WAVE MEDITATIONS. These are like the Dr. Joe Dispenza's “Breaking The Habit of Being Yourself Meditations”. The purpose of these meditations is to move you beyond the ANALYTICAL MIND BARRIER to reach DEEPER BRAIN WAVE states so that you can CHANGE your EMOTIONAL and PHYSICAL BODY! As you reach these deeper states of meditation you become more open to suggestion and have the ability to quite literally REWIRE your brain. As you think differently in these deeper states of being your brain is able to be rewired and the DNA that is being activated will CHANGE! I'm on week 4 now of Dr. Joe's meditation course and I can already FEEL a HUGE improvement in my overall MOOD, emotions and WELL-BEING! And I know that is also having a beneficial effect on my body! For those of you participating in MAGICAL MYSTERY SCHOOL and really anyone who wants to make a BIG difference in their emotional, spiritual and physical reality, I really encourage you to purchase Joe Dispenza's “Breaking The Habit of Being Yourself” Meditations. It's only $7.50 on Hay House and it will not only help you reach very deep levels of meditation, but it will open you up to shifting your personal perspectives on the world around you in a way that will quite literally change you permanently in the best possible ways. We will be utilizing these deeper levels of meditation to bring us to altered states of consciousness required to reach certain energetic spiritual realms. Which brings us to our final type of meditation and purpose...
ALIGNMENT MEDITATION (Spirit Communication)
One of the main reasons I teach people to meditate is because it's the easiest way for anyone to come into alignment with PURE CREATIVE SOURCE energy in order to receive messages of LOVE and SUPPORT from the Spirit Realm. Energies that exist in the Spirit Realm are vibrating at a VERY CLEAR spiritual level. And this type of alignment can be achieved most easily from learning to SHIFT into the altered states of consciousness reached in meditation. Once you have practiced your meditating enough you can place yourself into that space of alignment in as few a couple seconds through a deep breath or two in the nose and out the mouth. While it might take years for you to train to that ability where you can connect that quickly, meditating on a regular basis in ANY of the forms we just mentioned will be a fast track to that powerful skill.