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Why do we experience illness?

The other night I was walking out the front door and saw the moon rising and these beautiful icicles hanging from the roof. I was awestruck by the beauty and stopped to take these photos. It was a stark reminder of how even in the coldest times of the deepest winter there is so much beauty all around us. It's important for us to slow down enough that we are able to enjoy these experiences that Spirit is always providing for us no matter what the circumstances are.

Last week I had to postpone my Phoenix Vibrational Healing Alignment Circle because of a cold. Kind of ironic that it was a HEALING CIRCLE that I had to postpone because I was sick. Haha. I ended up having a pretty rough couple nights as my body tried to bring itself back into balance. While I'm not 100% there yet, I am feeling much much better and am certainly over the worst of it. Thanks to some beautiful healing energy that has been sent to me by close friends and my partner I know I'm recovering really quickly.

As I wasn't feeling too well most of last week and I contemplated the seemingly increased amount of times I have seemed to 'contract' something over the last 5 years since COVID, I asked my guides for some clarity on SICKNESS and why we seem to have come to a period in time where people are falling ill more and more often. And while I won't deny the usual factors that people mention such as “diet, exercise and stress”, I know it goes much deeper than that. When I asked my guides to expand on this topic as it relates to SPIRITUALITY and VIBRATION this is what they had to say,

“My sweet son, we do understand your frustration and confusion in regards to these physical bodies that don't always work exactly as you might want them to. You live in a rough 3 dimensional realm that subjects you to all kinds of stimuli and contrast, some more difficult to experience than others. But never fear, everything you experience has the ability to be of benefit to you. Even the dis-ease states and illnesses that you have experienced. For the past several years the people on your planet have been making HUGE changes from a spiritual, emotional and energetic level and sometimes these shifts happen much faster than your physical body can keep up with them. So it takes some time for your physical to re-align with the spiritual advancements that you have achieved. A physical downtime of illness or 'dis-ease' as you often call them on the physical plane can actually be quite beneficial to your physical bodies. In these situations you are often required to rest, sleep and be still. When the body is in stillness the vibrational alignment and clarity that you need has time to adjust to the spiritual advancements that you have already made. Other than sleep time at night, humans rarely allow themselves to be in a still meditative state for long periods of time. When you are experiencing an illness you often don't have the physical energy to move and be active and therefore by proxy you are able to be still for long enough periods of time to allow your body to re-align to your new more vibrationally in-tune spiritual selves. You may find that AFTER a brief illness or even a more long and drawn out complication you have MUCH MORE energy and enthusiasm for life than you did previous. This is the result of your physical body coming into attunement with your previously advanced spiritual growth. In this way the physical body has had time through the STILLNESS provided during the illness to re-calibrate to the new vibrational frequencies you now carry. The reason you have been experiencing more 'illness' across the board since the onset of COVID in 2020, is because you have been advancing in your spiritual growth by LEAPS and BOUNDS over the past 5 years. And as the speed and rapidness of that growth expands, so to does your need to be still enough in your physical to allow the energy of that expansion to be aligned within the body as well.”

But even with this answer I had some frustration. So I asked, Why must we get sick to allow ourselves to be still enough to expand and grow? Are there things we can do to allow this to happen WITHOUT having to become physically ill? Is exercise, vitamins, low stress and food intake enough to keep us healthy and well all the time?

“Yes my son, of course you can always enhance your health and well-being on your planet through fun exercise, thoughtful meditation practice and eating food that is close to the source. But, we also want to remind you not to judge yourself or others if you happen to experience an illness or any contrast that requires you to slow down and take care of yourself a bit more. You are living in a deeply complex realm, so there will always be times that you step into contrasting situations. We are here to help guide you through it all. Everything has value, even that which you judge as wrong or inappropriate. As you move through your world you are given the option to always move toward more beneficial thoughts and feelings about everything that you are experiencing. Ask yourself these questions in any circumstance, “What can I learn from this situation? How can I improve this situation for my betterment? What can I do to encourage growth within myself from this experience?” These questions will help you find strength and value in ALL circumstances.”

One of my students reminded me of Louise Hay's work in “HEAL YOUR BODY” where she suggests different EMOTIONAL/SPIRITUAL reasons behind different illnesses you may be experiencing. Hay states the “probable cause of your cold is too much going on at once”. I chuckled when I read that statement because I had just received this message from my guides that part of the reason I had been experiencing an illness was to slow me down enough to BE STILL and allow my body to adjust to the new vibrational energy I have shifted into. Regardless of the reasons we experience an illness or contrast there are lots of things we can do to help bring us back into alignment and fully integrate the energy of our lives moving forward.

This Thursday we will be exploring all the things that we can do to help bring more alignment and HEALING ENERGY into our lives! We will also be discovering ways we can utilize the contrast of our lives to bring about more growth and expansion as we move into the POWERFUL energy of 2025. We will clear out any blocks and barriers to our expansion and movement forward as well as integrating POSITIVE new affirmations that will bring us closer to the HEALTH, WEALTH and SPIRITUAL WELL-BEING that we are wanting to create in our lives. I will also be teaching a basic NUMEROLOGY primer where you will learn the energy of your BIRTH NUMBER and how it applies to the powerful UNIVERSAL 9 YEAR we are experiencing in 2025.

This class will be available this Thursday, 1/16 at 7PM LIVE on ZOOM or via RECORDED VIDEO at your leisure or IN PERSON at LOTUS GROVE WELLNESS in Massillon, Ohio. Price is only $25 and you can purchase tickets ahead of time HERE. If you want to receive a link to the recording after the event please be sure to purchase tickets from my website or leave your email address with me after the event on Thursday.

This is going to be a very powerful Phoenix Vibrational Healing Alignment Circle! So please join us if you can!

If you can not afford to attend this event or have friends or family members that you would like to include in this healing circle please share their names in the comments below and state PHYSICAL, EMOTIONAL or SPIRITUAL alignment and I will include them in the energy work that we do Thursday evening!

Big Hugs to you all!

Brian Borell – Spirit Speaker


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by Brian Borell


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