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Have you been in a state of financial fear, worry or panic? Are you struggling to make your monthly bills? Or just want to be in a place of financial freedom so you aren't constantly thinking about how you can afford the next big thing you want or desire? Have you been taught that the only way to receive financial rewards is if you WORK HARD and STRUGGLE to achieve? Are you working a mindless job or trudging through a 9-5 that isn't really making you happy just because you believe you have no other choice? Have you tried to start your own business venture or new career only to see things failing over and over again? If you answered yes to ANY of these questions than you are like a large majority of our population today. We have been taught and 'programmed' to believe a certain TRUTH about achievement and success that is no longer benefiting us. As we move forward on the AGAPE timeline, the energy of LOVE and togetherness and SUPPORT of one another has become the NEW standard for success and fulfillment. The old programs of HARD WORK, COMPETITION, CLIMBING OVER OTHERS to REACH THE TOP, FEAR of FINANCIAL RUIN are a thing of the past. And those who continue to push forward with those ideas will continue to falter and fall. Many of us have been programmed with these ideas, not only through our conscious awareness of the Capitalistic MONEY = VALUE society around us, but also the genetic imprints that have been encoded directly into our DNA. We have energetic programs that have existed even before our birth on this planet and NOW is the time to break free! My next ZOOM class will be dealing with CLEARING the FALSE BELIEF systems and the ENERGETIC PROGRAMMING that has been embedded into our CONSCIOUSNESS.

Utilizing the Phoenix Vibrational Healing Adaptation sacred codes and geometry we will be CLEARING all of the following:

  1. Generational Poverty

  2. Denied Access to Wealth and Prosperity

  3. Genetic Imprinting of Work = Value

  4. The WORK HARD Fallacy

  5. Self-worth related to FINANCIAL INCOME

  6. Financial Stereotypes

  7. Being Locked into a SOCIAL INCOME CLASS

  8. Clearing Thoughts: Money = Root of All Evil

  9. Clearing Thoughts: Career must be difficult to be of VALUE

  10. Clearing Thoughts: I must compete with others for success in career and business

And we will be INTEGRATING the following

  1. Financial Freedom

  2. Work and Career can be FUN and ENJOYABLE and UPLIFTING and BENEFICIAL for ALL.

  3. Finances are EASY and ENJOYABLE to experience and manage.


  5. I ENJOY the process of bringing MONEY to me in many different ways and I am OPEN to the SURPRISE and DELIGHT that it will bring me.

When I first was introduced to FRED PAYNE, the Creator of Phoenix Vibrational Healing, close to 20 years ago, I remember sitting in the classroom with my arms crossed tight across my chest and the thought in my head “PROVE IT TO ME!” And boy was I in for a journey of REVELATION! Haha. I decided that I would take ONE of his courses. The one on FINANCIAL CLEARING and CREATING ABUNDANCE. I figured if what he was saying was true then I would make enough money that I could afford all his classes! This was my way of PROVING to myself that his VIBRATIONAL CLEARING techniques worked. Within one month of taking his ABUNDANCE workshop my business more than doubled! Not only was I able to pay for all of his workshops and classes over the next 5 years, but I would also create the foundational business that sustained me enough that I could live for 10 years in Hawai'i. So it is this POWERFUL vibrational energy work that I am now offering to you! We all experience setback and financial pitfalls. Myself INCLUDED! So I think a re-visiting of this work and the clearing techniques surrounding it are EXTREMELY VALUABLE during this time where so many are feeling financial uncertainty. I am offering this class to you FREE if you can't afford a donation and if you can ANY amount you can offer is GREATLY appreciated. This work is a large portion of how I support myself and I appreciate those of you who support me and the work I do to bring these SPIRITUAL messages of LOVE and SUPPORT to the world around us! Join me on ZOOM - FULL MOON - MONDAY, MARCH 25th at 8:30 PM eastern for our FINANCIAL FREEDOM and ABUNDANCE - FULL MOON CLEARING CEREMONY! CLICK HERE!


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by Brian Borell


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