Spirit is asking you to be a support for others in your world. There are people around you who can use the encouragement of your love in their lives and you are being asked by Spirit to demonstrate those aspects of who you are through compassion for others. Random acts of kindness, a word of encouragement or even a simple smile may be just the uplift another person needs in order to get through the struggles in their life. Don’t discount the small ways that we can be of great benefit to the people we encounter on a daily basis. At your job, in your home and on the streets, your light can be a shining beacon for those in need. It doesn’t take much to change another’s perspectives and to give them the reassurance they need to continue on their path. You will also find that as you help and support others on their path you will also receive the support you need to progress in your own life as well. Spirit will guide you to the people and places where you can be of most benefit. If you are willing to help those in need even in just simple ways you will be blessed through the understanding that you are being used as an instrument of God to share love in this world. As more and more individuals display the spirit of Love in their lives through simple acts of kindness the ripples gather to create great waves of change in the world.