Connection To Creator
Spirit is asking you to reach beyond yourself and the physical world to a higher place. The love that you currently need can not be found in the people, places or things of this material world. Through meditation and prayer allow yourself to connect more fully to the one true Creator of all that is, however you imagine this being as; God, the Universe or Creative Consciousness. Visualize a gold bond of energy that moves from your root chakra located at the bottom of your spine all the way up to your crown chakra at the top of your head which then reaches up and out of your body all the way to the heart of God. See yourself in full divine connection to this Universal power of love, light and truth and feel the rush of unconditional love flowing back down to your being. Through this sacred connection you will begin to see your own divinity and will start to reflect the power of that perfect love and peace to the world around you. In that place of celestial connection to the one true Creator of all that is you will have the capacity to make incredible changes in your own life and be a positive influence in the lives of those around you.