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Permision To Rest

Often times when we are given a space of time to do whatever we want, especially when it was unexpected, we immediately feel a responsibility to fill that time with some chore or task that is a RESPONSIBLE use of our time. We dare not waste this extra time that we've been gifted being playful or, God-forbid, LAZY! But that is exactly what Spirit is suggesting for you now. Spirit is giving you permission to be at rest, to take a moment away from any need to save the world or work or be productive and just RELAX. Whether that means laying on the couch watching TV, playing video games, taking a bath, taking a nap, and then taking another nap, or maybe doing something creative and fun with yourself just for the sake of it, then do that! NOTHING is required of you now. In this still, small, quiet space of just enjoying the energy of passive entertainment or relaxation you will open yourself up to a major shift in your vibration. Spirit can use your 'stillness' and zoning out to refresh, re-energize and re-establish your vibrational set point. Your responsibilities will be waiting for you whenever you feel inspired to tackle them again, but for now it's OK to JUST LET GO & REST.    

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by Brian Borell


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