Emotional Turmoil
Spirit recognizes that some intense emotions are coming to the surface for you to cleanse and clear at this time. You're an Empath and have connected to the world's experience of this energy in a deeper way than most, and so you may have some strongly held emotions that are rapidly revealing themselves to you. They may come forward as a deep sadness and even compassion for others who are suffering, or maybe there is intense anger or fear about your future. To others it might just be a strange sense of uneasiness or generalized anxiety and confusion. Spirit is asking you now to release whatever emotions are troubling you to be purified from your beingness. All negative emotions show that you have somehow shifted your thoughts from the perspective of Source, so if you can re-direct your thoughts, then your feelings will shift as well. Find time to meditate, create lists of positive things you love about your life experience and practice day dreaming about situations which feel good. When the negative emotions resurface again, just ask Spirit to take them from you. One way to accomplish this is through a 'burn journal'. Any thought that creates a fear or negative emotion you can write in your journal. Once you've written it down, release it to Spirit to take care of for you. Then if/when the thought comes back again, just remind yourself that you've already written it down in your journal and that Spirit is creating a solution for you. In time these worrisome thoughts that create unpleasant emotions become less and less, and the feelings of positive creative solutions and happier emotions take their place.