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Burst Forth!

If you chose this photo you are about to find yourself in a new place completely.  Whether this be a physical space an emotional space or an intellectual space you are going to be a new person entirely.  Trust the process as you begin to emerge from the coccoon phase to the butterfly.  If you have been contemplating a new move, now is the time to make it.  A new place, a new job a new relationship, a new journey a new you!  It is time now to really wake up and burst forth into the new world you have created!  Do not be afraid, open up your wings and begin to fly.  You need not gestate any longer, now is the time for action.  If it feels good to you then DO IT!  You will know exactly what steps to take & you will be supported all the way!  Trust trust trust!  Fly fly fly!

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© 2015 - 2024
by Brian Borell


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