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Summer of Love

What should my SPIRITUAL FOCUS be on this SUMMER?


          You have been listening to too many voices outside of your SELF.  Whether it be the media, family or friends, even though they might SEEM to have your best interests at heart, they are actually clouding the clear messages of LOVE and SUPPORT that are coming from SOURCE.  Spirit is asking that you focus on the internal messages that are coming through DIRECTLY from SOURCE.  You will always know when these messages are coming from SOURCE and not from your fear-based emotions, because the messages will ALWAYS feel good.  SPIRIT will never send you messages that are filled with fear or paranoia or warnings.  And any psychic or medium that does that is operating from a place this is NOT aligned with LOVE or SOURCE ENERGY.

         Take some time to quiet your mind.  Meditate every day for about 15-20 minutes, just enough time to quiet the extraneous voices in your head.  Once you have done this on a consistent enough basis you will start to receive messages from SOURCE.  Remember these messages will always be filled with LOVE & SUPPORT.  If any other emotion is coming through it is NOT coming from SOURCE.  LOVE is always the cornerstone with which we measure all messages we receive.

Exercise:  Spend ONE WEEK meditating every day for 20 minutes.  No more, no less.  Find a quiet space with a soft noise to focus on.  This could be a fan, an AC unit, even the birds chirping in the distance.  I like to use the 'desert wind' sound on the Rain Rain app.  Focus on that sound and as unwanted thoughts enter your mind, just softly direct yourself back to the sound.  Do this until you reach a state where you feel like your entirely focused on that sound.  Eventually you will feel a soft buzz, maybe even a floating sensation.  Just allow yourself to stay SOFTLY in that space.  Once you've achieved that level of connection take a moment to see if you receive any messages.  If something comes through that FEELS GOOD, that FEELS LOVE BASED.  Write it down.  If it doesn't feel good, do a soft clearing breath in the nose and out the mouth and go back to your meditation.  Eventually you will start receiving more and more messages from SOURCE.  As you continue to meditate it will eventually drown out all other voices from your mind and the VOICE of SPIRIT or SOURCE energy will become the dominate voice. 

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by Brian Borell


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