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Summer of Love

What should my SPIRITUAL FOCUS be on this SUMMER?


      You have SPIRITUAL and CREATIVE gifts the world is needing from you now, but you are uncertain of yourself and so you have been holding back. Now is the time to let go of any of the insecurity and step forward into the life you are meant to be living. Whatever doubts you may have had in the past must now be purged in order for you to fully accept your abilities and begin sharing them with the world. Ask yourself the following questions. Is there a spiritual gift or creative talent that I have a lot of passion about, but I just don't feel confident enough in it to begin sharing it? If the answer to that question is yes then WRITE THAT DOWN and ask SPIRIT for guidance to help you come to a place of CONFIDENCE in that ability so that you feel EMPOWERED moving forward. Maybe you need to sharpen that skill with practice, maybe you need to learn more about that skill, maybe you just need to put yourself out there and LET THE WORLD KNOW, so that you're no longer hiding what you have to offer. You might be surprised how many people need your specific gifts or creative talents.

       I often have students ask me WHAT is my GIFT or TALENT and I have found that people are confused with what these words mean. Most people assume a SPIRITUAL “GIFT” is something that they come into the world AUTOMATICALLY knowing how and what to do with it. Others think GIFTS are special abilities that some higher power STRIKES YOU suddenly and you are MAGICALLY able to SEE SPIRITS, HEAR GUIDES, etc. But that's not how this works at all. Occasionally there are people who seem to be 'struck' with some 'special gift' but for most of us these gifts and talents are GROWN with special care, focus, study and practice. EVERYONE has the ability to tap into SOURCE energy and LOVE therefore EVERYONE has the ability to LEARN and PRACTICE and PARTICIPATE with ANY spiritual practice they are interested in. You do NOT have to have any special 'gift' or declaration from on high to be deemed worthy to evolve into the SPIRITUALLY CREATIVE BEING who is able to SHARE ANY Spiritual Gift they want, AS LONG as it comes from a place of LOVE!

Exercise:  Answer the question in the reading above. IS THERE A SPIRITUAL GIFT or CREATIVE TALENT that I have A LOT of PASSION ABOUT? Then list one to three of the top ones. Then ask yourself. Do I feel confident enough in this ability to begin sharing it with the world? If your answer is YES, then write down 3 ways you can start to SHARE that gift with others and over the summer months make a concerted effort to do at least ONE of those 3 ways each month. If your answer is NO, then write down 3 ways you think you could be more confident in that talent or ability. Possible answers could be, PRACTICE MORE, TAKE A CLASS, READ SOME MORE BOOKS on the TOPIC. Once you have 3 ways to become more confident written down, make a commitment to do at least ONE of those 3 things each month. By the end of the summer notice the difference in your confidence level. 

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by Brian Borell


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