Spirit is asking you to utilize your talents for the benefit of others on their spiritual path. You are gifted by God with creative abilities which you can utilize to bring more joy, happiness and love into the world. If you haven’t yet found a way to use your gifts in a way that can benefit others spiritually now is the time to experiment with how you can do this. Spirit will guide you to the perfect avenue for this expression and present you with opportunities to share your talents in uplifting ways. If you haven’t utilized your skills in awhile Spirit is guiding you now to dust-off your abilities and re-familiarize yourself with your talents. A new opportunity is coming your way that will require your creativity and it would benefit you to be prepared. If you haven’t yet discovered your creative experties then consider this a wake-up call to explore your abilities in order to find your creative calling. All of us have artistic abilities in some area, whether it be writing, art, performance or simply seeing and understanding the world in a unique way. Explore these areas by taking on a playful child-like attitude and enjoy practicing different ways to creatively express yourself. Remember this is not about being perfect, but more about expressing the depths of who we are artistically and then sharing that with the world in order to inspire and ignite their spirituality.