You are beginning to emerge into an entirely new chapter of your life. You have been through struggle in the past, but now you are starting to shine again. The essence of your being is opening up for all to see. At first it may not be as noticeable as you would like, but in time you will find yourself shining in even bigger and brighter ways. Don’t be discouraged if the development doesn’t come as quickly as you thought. It sometimes takes small steps to create really big changes and movement in your life. Be content to shine in your own small ways and those little things will begin to develop into bigger and brighter areas of your life and more and more people will notice who you are and what you are contributing to the whole. If there is an area in your life that you have been unsure about, now is the time to make a decision. Remember there are no wrong choices. Every choice you make will lead you to an even greater experience of your life. You are being blessed in your life right now and through that blessing you will be able to help and encourage others on their path as well.