You may have been through some tough times in your life recently, but you have not let the heaviness of those hard times affect your ability to shine through and celebrate the life and love you have learned to share with others. Do not be discouraged for all the hard work you are putting in is being seen and noticed. Not only by those in the physical realm, but all you have done and accomplished is also being recognized by your guides and spiritual helpers. At times when we feel we are at our lowest, most often we are just getting ready to break through to the other side where all our dreams are waiting to be fulfilled. Now is the time for you to begin putting into practice all you have learned and truly become the shining beacon that you are meant to be. Visualize yourself as a small ball of light consumed by clouds and fog. In that space of confusion you begin to feel an incredible sensation of love and joy in your solar plexus, the chakra that resides just above your navel. As you feel that joy the small ball of light you are becomes bigger and bigger. While it grows in size and intensity you see the brightness and warmth of that ball of light dissipating the clouds and fog that consume the room until nothing is left but a massive ball of love and joy beaming out to all those around you.