The waves of life may crash around you, but you remain steadfast through it all. You have been though trials in your life, but you are remaining strong and holding your ground. Spirit is asking you now to look forward to your future. There is something major coming up in your life and all the struggles that you have gone through have just been preparing you for this next phase that will be coming. Sometimes it takes intense experiences that seem overwhelming to shake us up a little and allow us to build the resilience and stamina we need to move forward into the next chapter of our lives. The strength you have built will be needed to sustain you through the coming transition. Once you have shifted into this new aspect of your life it will be clear to you why you have gone through these past life experiences and a greater spiritual understanding will come over you. Allow yourself now to feel the power of your being and the depth of your spiritual fortitude as you embrace the coming change and the new world of beautiful adventures that are about to unfold for you.