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If you chose this Sacred Geometry Drawing you are gifted with third eye sight.  You have the ability to see beyond the veil into the spiritual realms that reside just below the surface of the physical plane.  You can enhance this ability through training & a deeper understanding of what it means to ‘see beyond the veil’.  Many people assume that looking into spirit means that you will see with your physical eyes, when in actuality most people who are gifted with ‘sight’ perceive spirit in a myriad of ways.  You may get a sense or feeling of a presence, then an image or thought form of who or what that energy is then enters your imagination.  If you don’t discount this as ‘just your imagination’ you can utilize the information received to ask more questions & get details on the vision that is coming through.  Others experience an ‘overlay’ where they will see an actual transparent image interposed on their physical sight.  Third eye vision may also include the enhancement of other sensual faculties including, taste, touch, smell & hearing.  Don’t discount the small subtle ways that spirit may be opening you up to deeper psychic sight.  As you acknowledge & recognize these small shifts in your spiritual vision more information will start coming through.  Just like any other muscle in the physical body your psychic sight can also be strengthened with trust and consistent practice. Utilize meditation techniques and visualization exercises to reinforce & enhance your natural abilities. 

Axamelius Artwork created by Nathan Carpenter

Third Eye Sight

This week's beautiful sacred geometry artwork was provided 
by Nathan Carpenter of Axamelius Artwork

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by Brian Borell


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