Emotional Wave
If you’ve been feeling a lot of intense emotions lately hold on. They’re about to pass soon. We had a huge wave of energy move in with this last full moon that brought with it a great influx of emotional energy. That has left some of us feeling a little raw energetically. You might be feeling intense loneliness, isolation or abandonment, maybe even fearful or lost. Others have reported a sense of a disconnected feeling from Source, friends and even self. If you’ve been feeling any of these energies hold on. It all will be shifting soon. This last wave of energy was meant to align us and lock us into place with a clearer more in tune vibrational energy, however our physical body mind field complex may not yet be in that same vibrational space. So while the bmf catches up with the new spiritual attunement you may experience some emotional growing pains of sorts. Just trust this process and do whatever you can to focus on that which feels good to you. Treat yourself to a spa day, relax and listen to your body when you feel the need to rest and trust that these intense emotions will be passing soon. I’ve included some balancing codes and emotionally soothing vibrational clearings into this photo I posted. Look at the picture and do several clearing breaths in the nose and out the mouth. That should help you vibrationally clear some of the emotional congestion you may be experiencing. I’m also going to be doing a free online Zoom reading night where I’ll be connecting in with your guides and giving you messages to help support you navigating this New Year and also group clearings to help everyone process and align with this new vibrational space we are now living in. Stay tuned for more info.

I was reaching out to one particular spirit last night and felt a warm body hug. I knew immediately that I had made a connection.
Thanks Brian, very helpful. I do seem to be having some upheaval in emotions....I thought perhaps more unresolved grief I needed to let go of, and perhaps so, but I do feel better knowing this is another wave coming through....perhaps one is pushing the other.... 😊