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The Great Divide - Living On A Love Based Timeline - Relationships

For the past two years I have noticed an increase in people who I thought were trusted friends and cohorts showing their true colors and demonstrating through their actions that they were not friends at all. Suddenly a very real understanding comes forward and connections that were once very powerful are lost. In the past several months I have noticed this happening even more frequently to myself and have been hearing stories from others about it happening to them as well. Most often this happens when one of the people in the relationship is not willing to move forward on the LOVE based timeline. They have been so used to the 'work = value' energy timeline that relies on competition and self serving energy and because of that they can't seem to find their LOVE center in the relationship. Only promoting your personal well-being and not that of others can NOT be tolerated on this new timeline. Real personality truths start to come to the surface. People that you once thought were on your side suddenly show that they are only concerned about themselves and show extremely selfish energy. The reason this energy is coming to the forefront so strongly now is because ANYTHING that is NOT LOVE rises to the surface to be seen VERY quickly and in VERY strong ways. I've had several incidents in the past couple years where people who I thought were very close to me showed SHOCKINGLY selfish and unloving behavior. In several of the instances I called them out on this behavior and they seemed to act as though nothing was wrong, turned the finger back toward me or completely ignored the situation all together. I was left feeling hurt, used and mistreated.

For a long time I thought it was my responsibility to FIX those connections, but I've realized lately that these disconnects are happening for a reason and that I just need to send love and let them shift off my timeline. For now. Normally I would NOT spend a lot of energy focusing on the things that have gone wrong, but I felt it was important to share some examples that I have faced and that others might be experiencing as well. All of the following have happened to myself or other close friends in the past two years.

- I've had pieces of my copyrighted teaching work fully stolen and passed off as someone else's ideas or material.

- I've had two people steal my exact retreat format and then not include me in their project.

- I've had someone say my vibration is 'low' and tell others not to come to my classes or events (this same person also told me that I was the highest vibrational teacher they had ever heard only a year earlier)

- I've had someone get upset with me because I spent too much time with a friend that they thought they should be able to be spending more time with instead of me.

(high school drama anyone??? lol)

- I've had a friend promise to help support my ideas and projects only to turn around and sabotage them.

In each one of these instances I felt the need to somehow FIX IT! I would attempt to say the right thing or work on the relationship to make them like me again. Or I would just cry in utter confusion wondering what I had done to make them treat me like that. I took all the responsibility for their behavior on to myself. While I do believe that we draw out the energy of behavior from others and we can ALLOW people to use us in selfish ways, that does not excuse the behavior that is happening. What I realized is that I was dis-empowering myself by attempting to FIX someone else's opinion of me. It is in NO WAY my responsibility to CHANGE how you feel about me or even how you treat me. It IS however my responsibility to LOVE YOU ANYWAYS. But LOVING someone does not mean ALLOWING another to be hurtful, selfish, jealous, or abusive. When I see that type of behavior I realize there is a PIECE of me that has allowed that experience to happen and by attempting to FIX the connection with the person who perpetrated that energy I'm in essence saying it's OK to do that to me again.

So when I kept going back to these same friends over and over again trying to make things right, I would see and feel the same behaviors and wonder why it was still happening. I was under the impression that I needed to FIX things. Am I not supposed to LOVE them through it? YES! I AM suppose to LOVE. Period. Just LOVE. That doesn't mean that I have to continue to be abused, mistreated and used. I was under the false assumption that staying in contact with someone meant that I was “trying”, and that I was “being a good person”. And so I repeatedly went back over and over and over again, ONLY to be treated in the same way I had been treated previously. EVEN when I brought the behavior to the attention of my abusers/users. Some apologized, others pretended that nothing was wrong and I just kept going back for more and more abuse.

Suddenly, I realized I didn't have to do that anymore. That I could just quietly step away. And then I stepped away. Making no scene. Making no big announcement that I AM MOVING ON. I just quietly stepped away.


Those who I had thought were friends, those who I had thought had my back through thick and thin, just quietly disappeared. Not a word. Not a phone call. Not a text. Not an email. Just silence. It was scary for a minute, because I felt a little alone. But, I just went to my center when I was feeling that loneliness and just decided to trust the process. And then slowly but surely I started noticing the ones who really do love and care for me started popping up more. And new people who were LOVING started to show themselves to me. People who were SUPPORTIVE and truly did care started revealing themselves to me.

And then the message became extremely clear. All this time Spirit was trying to provide the people and experiences I needed in my life, but because I kept filling those spots with unsupportive energies there was no room for the supportive energies to come. When I finally walked away from that which was not loving in my life, those who were ready and willing and waiting to be supportive and loving elements could finally show up! So in essence, when I kept going back to people who had abused me in some way, trying to FIX it, I was energetically keeping out the people who DID want to support me! This is HUGE! For me, I think my original thought was that if I didn't hold on to the people I DID have that I would have no one. And the thought of no one being there or being ALONE was worse than the thought of someone who was abusive, unkind or ultimately UN-supportive. At least I had someone in my life. And therefore I was letting the Universe know it was OK to treat me poorly.

As I asked my guides about these experiences the message that kept coming back was that I was to ONLY SEE THE LOVE. That any behavior that was not love based was FALSE BEHAVIOR. These individuals who I loved and cared for were not acting out of LOVE and any behavior that is not LOVE based is false. For awhile I thought that meant that I had to continue in the connections and TRY to make them work regardless, but when I did that I found the person repeating the same hurtful behaviors over and over and I became even more confused. I started asking the question of myself, “What is it IN ME that keeps drawing out this type of behavior in others” When I turned the focus back around on myself I started to realize I had been giving my power away to others. I had not trusted my own understanding and knowledge of these gifts that I have and I was relying on other people to support me.

When that TRUTH became evident to me I made the CONSCIOUS CHOICE to TAKE MY POWER BACK and REINSTATE my stance of LOVE and TOGETHERNESS. And from that place of EMPOWERMENT I started to DRAW forth the WONDERFUL AMAZING PEOPLE who ARE focused on the TRUE SPIRITUAL path of LOVE. People who I KNEW were supporting me and saying kind words about me both to my face AND behind my back. And they were helping me out as I helped them. Suddenly I started realizing that in MY PLACE of EMPOWERMENT not only did I FEEL EMPOWERED on my own, but I was also in a better place to show LOVE and SUPPORT for OTHERS who in turn were showing ME LOVE and SUPPORT! MIRRORING BACK my OWN SELF EMPOWERMENT back to me and me to them and back again! LOL!

No one feeling jealous or selfish about their projects. Everyone excited and supportive of each other! Not ONLY was I being successful in my endeavors THEY were being successful too! The energy of LOVE and SUPPORT started MIRRORING back and forth on each other and EVERYONE SUCCEEDS!

This is what it means to be LIVING, and SUCCEEDING from the AGAPE timeline! We are no longer competing to be the best! We are SUPPORTING each other to BE EVERYTHING THAT EACH ONE OF US CAN BE. And therefore WE ALL WIN. And the ones who were not in that vibe... just gone. Haven't heard a word from them. And even that's OK! Because I know we are all on this journey to find that SEED of the HEART of LOVE within each and every one of us. And we all have our own path to follow. So I will BLESS EVERYONE on their journey and RELISH in the LOVE that I have found! I'll be teaching more about this concept in the second part of my HOW TO LIVE ON A LOVE BASED TIMELINE, ZOOM CLASS – Part Two Relationships! Thursday, September 21st at 7PM. Join me live or catch the recording at your convenience. Tickets range from $11 - $33 and may be purchased HERE.


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by Brian Borell


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