What is the cause of your pain? (Physical or Emotional)
After about 5 years of studying Phoenix Vibrational Healing under it's author and creator Fred Payne, he asked me to be a guardian of his work. He gave me a CD with all his research and notes and requested that if anything should happen to him that I help carry on the work of making sure his research and energy healing modalities were spread throughout the world. Several years ago Fred Payne made his transition.
Since then I have kept my promise to Fred to carry on his work. I have taken aspects and adapted them to include personal research and studies I've been doing on the breath, including the HA, a Hawaiian term for the 'breath of life' and Law of Attraction materials that I've studied under Esther Hicks through her Abraham channeling, books, workshops and cruises. Through these studies I have created 3 levels of PVHA Phoenix Vibrational HA (Healing Adaptations) And I offer that now as an in depth Vibrational Spiritual Healing Modality that includes an emphasis on THE BREATH, SACRED CODES and GEOMETRY as well as the UNIVERSAL CONCEPTS of the LAW of ATTRACTION.
In preparation for my free INTRODUCTION to VIBRATIONAL HEALING Zoom Class that I'm offering on Tuesday evening I was browsing through some of Fred Payne's research notes on vibrational healing modalities and concepts. One of the terms that came up in the materials was “Sponsored Thought-forms”. While I found the idea intriguing, I wasn't sure exactly how it played into PVH as a modality and what exactly it meant in regards to helping the spiritual body align in such a way to help prepare the physical body to receive a healing. Then this morning on waking I literately HEARD the answer to my question in my minds eye! It was as though FRED was SPEAKING TO ME DIRECTLY! And this is what came through...
“Every pain or ailment in the body starts as some form of vibrational resistance. Resistance is created through thought-form. Thought-forms are energy. This resistant energy is wave patterns that when built up over time, through law of attraction, conglomerate into discordant energy balls or wave form masses. These thought-form wave patterns come from our own resistant or negative thoughts but MAY ALSO include ‘contributing thought-forms’. For example...
When another speaks poorly of us or even thinks negatively about us and WE ACCEPT, VALIDATE or take on that belief personally then their thoughts match our thoughts, fears or feelings of discord about ourselves and contribute to the discordant mass of energy. The full and total group of energetic wave patterns or thought forms that are contributing to the ‘dis-ease’ state in the body can be referred to as ‘Sponsoring thought forms’. It is these 'balls of energies or resistance' that then block the specific area in the body mind field complex that then creates the space for a disease state to become manifest in the body.
So now we can imagine or visualize this group of ‘sponsoring thought forms’ or RESISTANCE as a ball or mass of dark energy that exists within the body mind field complex and vibrationally or energetically feeds, supports and ultimately creates the discord that has been made manifest in the physical body. So this disease state in the physical body then is ‘cut-off’ from it’s own healing energy / alignment because of this conglomeration of ‘sponsored thought form’ that keeps that aspect of the body from receiving the beneficial life giving / healing nutrients and recovery energy that it needs. Add on top of that a ‘diagnosis of an ailment’ that is incurable or even just our own personal focus on the area of discomfort can then also contribute to the ‘sponsoring thought forms’ that keep the disease state locked in place.”
I then asked What are the specific steps we can take to CLEAR THIS?
1. Acknowledge your own resistance and ‘sponsoring thought form’ contribution to the condition as it exists. (Louise Hay offers great insight on the emotional conditions that contribute to specific body ailments from which can be inferred what the 'sponsoring thought-form' might be).
2. Recognize that others may have also contributed to the ‘sponsoring thought forms’ and helped create and intensify the resistance you have felt around the disease state. Be aware that their contribution is ONLY the amount of energy you have ALLOWED or BELIEVED in your own energy field. Other's thoughts and beliefs about us can have NO contribution to our state of being UNLESS we RECEIVE, ACCEPT or ALIGN with what they say and or think about us.
3. Clear your thought forms
4. Clear thought forms of others.
5. Clear your resistance to the emotional state of being.
6. Align yourself! Set yourself into a state of perfect physical, emotional and spiritual alignment, best achieved through Chakra clearing and alignment and practicing the Merkaba Bubble activation and alignment.
All these clearings can be done with PVHA techniques that I will show you how to utilize Tuesday evening.
We will start with chakra clearing, alignment and activation, followed by negative emotional charge clearings, and a NEW MODALITY I just received this morning that will help clear the “SPONSORING THOUGHT-FORMS” contributing to the dis-ease state.
We will also do the MERKABA BUBBLE activation and alignment. In additional to these clearing techniques we will do some specific work related to physical issues you might be experiencing personally including the lung chakra clearings and anything else that we decide as a group will be important to clear.
You can join us live or catch the recorded version. Registration is FREE, but donations are always accepted and appreciated. REGISTER HERE!