The Winds of Change
Have you been feeling a bit off balance lately? Does the energy surrounding you seem to be spinning out of control? Have you been feeling thrown off your game and wondering why? Universal forces are at it again! This time helping us to clear out any last remnants we've been holding on to that may be keeping us back from completely evolving into the fully realized spiritual beings we are meant to be. For the last 2 months spirit has been downloading me with information about the state of spiritual evolution that we are currently experiencing. Starting with the full moon eclipse on January 20th and continuing on through the polar vortex that froze out the northern US and the huge wind storms that blew through Hawai'i and culminated with the super full moon this week we have been run through what spirit is calling an 'energetic vortex'. If you close your eyes and tap into the center of your solar plexus you may even be able to feel a slight spinning sensation. That's the core of this energy and it is being used to help clear out any deep-rooted discord, fear or doubt that still remains within us. Like the spin cycle of a washing machine the intensity of this vortex is meant to 'spin out' anything that is still stuck within us and keeping us from progressing toward the next vibrational level of clarity on our spiritual path.
(The above was written and posted on Facebook last Thursday, February 21st. Now today, Sunday February 24th
in Ohio we are experiencing another huge wind storm!)
Well if you haven’t felt the spiraling vortex yet, then you certainly are today. This intense wind we are currently experiencing is the physical manifestation of the final vortex energy I was talking about in my last post. I have noticed how during big shifts in my life there will be a physical manifestation of wind or a strong storm that blows through. Many people are currently feeling the ’winds of change’ in their lives, so it seems appropriate that we would have that show up as a physical manifestation in the environment around us. This energy should be shifting out over the next week, so if you’ve been feeling beat up, twisted and torn or just plain exhausted, just hold on a little while longer and it will soon disipate. The exciting thing that happens once we’ve gone through a major shift like this one, is that after it is all over and we’ve come back into balance we are renewed with an incredible amount of energy and inspired motivation to move forward. Anything that has been weighing us down is quite literally being blown away. Once we have cleared out all the remnants of what has been holding us back then our movement forward will be with much greater ease and grace. And the inspired action will feel extremely motivational. The past fears, doubts, worry or concern no longer has a stranglehold on us and the movement forward will be swift and easy.
On February 27th, at 7PM I will be holding a Language of Light gathering in order to go into detail about these changes, the purpose they are meant to have in our lives and the growth that will be sparked from this vibrational shift. I will also being doing a group Re-Balance, Re-Alignment and Re-Vitalization in order to help you 1. Clear out any discord that has been shaken loose through this vortex energy.2. Balance your energy and bring you back into a state of solid alignment.3. Reinvigorate your spiritual centers in order to boost you with an energetic propulsion forward.For the first time ever I will be doing a LIVE SIMULCAST so anyone who is interested may join no matter where you are in the world. If you would like to join us in person the session will be held at Shelly Valinttine's home in Massillon, Ohio 44646. Tickets are only $20 per person and are available on my website at