2024 Infinity 8
2024 is a Universal 8 which is the symbol for infinity and a projection of wealth, prosperity and career success in the coming New Year.
On the new Agape Timeline wealth and abundance is created from a heart based center not through greed, fear or hoarding. The energy of the 8 as a numerology symbol supports our ability to create the financial desires of our heart, but only in ways that are supportive of the Universal ideals of togetherness, mutual support and community driven cooperation. We are no longer living in a world where self is supported as a number one ideal, but rather in a world where self-advancement is only made possible through the cooperative energies of love-based community.
While these ideals may still seem like a 'pipe dream' in actuality they are the only ideals that are NOW being supported by the energetic forces of the NEW Agape Timeline we now find ourselves on. The old energies of WORK = VALUE no longer support or sustain our movement forward and those who still insist on prioritizing personal wealth and achievement over loved based mutually supportive endeavors will not succeed and will find their path becoming more and more troublesome as it is no longer being supported by Universal energies.
The eight as an infinity symbol suggests the ongoing energy of our Spirit beings and our ability to see beyond where we are now in the recognition that we are ALL eternal beings. The fear of an ending can be alleviated when you fully trust and understand your eternalness. Everything in the UNIVERSE is expanding and we are expanding our CONSCIOUSNESS with it. I recently did a reading for a friend and was shown a POWERFUL infinity symbol moving across the chest area. The message was so clear in that the symbol interconnected directly at THE HEART, demonstrating that all past and future energy culminates at THE HEART CHAKRA which exists in THIS PRESENT MOMENT in time! Everything that is BEFORE and everything that WILL BE is made manifest in the NOW MOMENT which resides FULLY and COMPLETELY in the HEART center! This is how we are created as SPIRITUAL BEINGS and the HEART center is the ANCHOR between the PHYSICAL BEING and the SPIRIT.
So often we spend a majority of our time in the mind space. And the infinity symbol is Spirit's way of reminding us that our TRUE center is in the HEART. When we THINK, SPEAK and ACT through the HEART we are manifesting from the most powerful space of alignment that we can achieve! Alignment with our future self, our past self and the POWERFUL LOVING ENERGY of our NOW MOMENT SELF which resides IN THE HEART!
The "Seed of the Heart of Love" is a powerful expression I was given by Spirit several years ago now. And this concept is meant to suggest that we ALL have access to that SEED of LOVE, which is the idea of POTENTIAL GROWTH. Where will you plant your seeds of love in this coming year? How will you cultivate the growth that you seek? When you plant these seeds in a space of LOVE, JOY and ENTHUSIASM for life they are then NURTURED by the UNIVERSAL LOVE energy that is now the main catalyst for the AGAPE TIMELINE! Those seeds planted in LOVE will GROW and MANIFEST into very solid foundational manifestations that will not only nurture and benefit you personally, but will also benefit the community around you. IF you're still trying to plant seeds around the old selfish concepts of work = value and competition for success you will find your seeds will whither and die. Those energies are no longer being supported by the energetic soil we are now walking on. Plant your seeds of LOVE with a focus on CREATING more LOVE with stronger roots and watch them grow into GIANT TREES of COMPASSION, KINDNESS and JOYFUL EXPRESSION. For when we focus on the SEED of the HEART of LOVE that exists within EACH and EVERY ONE of US the beautiful manifestation of a WORLD that exists in a place of LOVE for one another TRULY is POSSIBLE! Here's to a HAPPY NEW YEAR of LOVE in 2024 and for MANY MANY infinity cycle years to come!
Big Hugs,
Brian Borell - Spirit Speaker
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