Energy Update
For the past 6 months I have been talking about a new dimensional space that we are being 'locked' into. My guides have described it to me like a PLATFORM with 4 sides that each side is being 'screwed' into place so that it can't move and stays SET. This is obviously a 'visual' description that is being given to me to describe a very complex spiritual shift that is occurring on the planet right now. This morning I was feeling some intense anxiety and I asked my guides what might be the cause of it. Once again they showed me the PLATFORM being screwed in and explained that this is just another 'tightening' in of the bolts. When the bolts get tightened we can FEEL the shift in a very VISCERAL way. Much like one who is having braces tightened on their teeth. The pain and discomfort seems really intense at first, but ultimately the shift that is achieved is well worth the slight discomfort that is felt as things are being bolted down. You may have noticed distinct weather patterns this summer, where we will have REALLY HOT and UNCOMFORTABLE weather or STORMS followed by days of IMPECCABLE SUNSHINE and COOL AIR. These are the physical manifestations of what is happening spiritually. We are being put through a pressure cooker of sorts in order to allow all that is 'discordant, uncomfortable and diseased' to rise to the surface to be skimmed off and cleared out. Once that layer of scum is cleared we have an immediate sense of RELIEF, ENTHUSIASM and WELL-BEING. Only to be followed again by another wave of discomfort. That being said, I AM BEING ASSURED, that this is the FINAL WAVE or TIGHTENING in of this new energy. As we move through the LION'S GATE on 8/8 we will be at the APEX of this final locking in of the new dimensional space. The GREAT NEWS that comes with that final locking in is that we will be inundated with a huge SPIKE of HAPPINESS, JOY, WELL-BEING and COMFORT. As well as enthusiasm, energy and MOTIVATIONAL MOMENTUM to work on projects, ideas and creative pursuits that we just haven't had the energy to explore before. This will be a culmination of shifting that has been occurring on the planet TRULY since 1998, but this specific arch started in 2019 and will fully be established by the FALL and moving into the WINTER of 2022. So if you're feeling intense anxiety this week, feelings of frustration or even depression setting in, do your best to just ride out the way. Look at what's coming to the surface and LET IT GO! Then prepare yourself for the INCREDIBLE influx of energy that will be flowing in soon! Some of you my have already caught a glimpse of what is coming. I keep having days where I'm feeling this huge rush of HAPPINESS and JOY and I know it's just a taste of what's to come! Hang in their SPIRIT TRIBE! All is well! Be good to yourself and take some time to reconnect, ground and get in touch with the EARTH. That will help bring you back into balance and help clear some of the discord that may be coming to the surface. I've also embedded this photo with vibrational sacred geometry of clearing energies, so just look at the picture and breath in the nose and out the mouth at least 4 times or until you are feeling complete with the process.
Big Hugs & Aloha!
Brian Borell – Spirit Speaker
