If you are feeling spacey, headachey or not fully in your body, this message is for you! The next full moon on August 30th is extremely powerful. I've been feeling the effects since Sunday and they are just getting more and more intense. The energy is almost to the point where I feel I'm going to completely lift out of my body. I called my good friend Traci last night worried that I was just going to leave the planet! I was asking my guides for guidance and this morning the messages just flooded in. Here's what they had to share...
“Dearest one, you are at a point on your timeline energy frequency where many are being given a choice to either stay or go. What that means is that you have access to other timelines, other dimensions and even shifting out of the physical body all together. You are about to enter a time period of great cleansing on your planet. Anything that is not based in LOVE will have to shift out. That may look at times like chaos and even destruction from a narrow focused viewpoint, but when you shift your perspective to a broader more expansive viewpoint you will see the change from the old values and beliefs of hard work and drudgery to one of light, expansive LOVE based JOY and fulfillment. For some of you that have lived a majority of your lives in a WORK = VALUE based timeline this might be a struggle. You will have to shift your perspective to see value in just BEing LOVE! This full moon that you are currently connecting to is a CLEANSING full moon. It is PULLING out of you anything that is not love based. This pulling sensation feels very intense from your physical perspective as your mind and body are not used to the LIGHTER feeling energy, so it comes through as almost a spacey energy, like you're not fully connected to the physical. What is actually happening is that you're no longer being bogged down with the energies of fear, confusion, doubt, jealousy, hatred and grief. As those energies lift up and out you actually may be feeling those emotions MORE intensely, but just momentarily. Once those energies have lifted your physical body will be sensing a lightness and even airy feeling of weightlessness. Because that feeling is NEW, it may also be a little scary to experience. (I've been translating this personally as feeling almost as if I'm going to 'pass out' or just leave my body all together.) As these energies come into their peak state tomorrow you may feel intense waves of fear and confusion. Just TRUST this process dear one. We are holding you in place and will be observing and guiding your shift into this new dimensional space. As the energies subside you will start to feel a HUGE influx of LOVE, JOY, SATISFACTION and GENERAL WELL-BEING flood your body. This is what will replace everything that is shifting out now. Trust this process. LET GO, LET GO, LET GO of anything that is not love. Anything you hold onto that is fear based will just become more and more painful until it must be released. We are here with you now closer and more connected than ever before. Feel our presence as you move through your day. WE are HOLDING you in PLACE. All is WELL! Go forth and BE the LIGHT & LOVE you are meant to be in this world.”
As this message came through I could feel the calming energy of the words helping to bring me back into balance. I could feel the loving hands of my guides encircling my being and HOLDING me in place. This is truly an exciting time we are living in now. Keep the faith and HOLD ON. All is well!
Tips for remaining grounded during this intense
1. Water. Water. Water. I have been drinking so much water lately and it's really helping me to stay focused in my body.
2. Avoid screen time. I very rarely offer suggestions for what NOT to do. But, I have noticed personally that when I am staring at computer screens and my phone I am feeling way more out of sorts than normal. There is something about the energy field that is really disruptive right now. Unfortunately, most of my work is done through a computer or phone screen so I haven't had much of a choice. However, if you HAVE to be working on a screen then be sure you are taking eye breaks every 15 minutes or so. Place crystals or stones around your screen to help reduce the vibrational emissions. I use my orgonite pyramids which are very helpful. You can also just put up a vibrational shield with the swiping hand mudra. I'll demonstrate this in my class Thursday night. Also just periodcally holding crystals in your hands can be extremely soothing and grounding during this time period.
3. Get out in nature. Go on hikes in the woods. Go put your feet in the grass or a running water stream. Quietly meditate.
4. Soft meditation is OK, but be careful of DEEP meditation. During this time period it might have the opposite effect of what you're going for. It is very important for us to stay grounded in our bodies and deep meditation can sometimes do the opposite.
5. Grounding exercises. I will demonstrate several grounding exercises in my online class on Thursday, but the easiest one you can do is call yourself back into your body by commanding “GET BACK IN THIS BODY NOW” out loud. It may sound a bit silly at first, but its very effective. Sending energy to your EARTH STAR CHAKRA is also very grounding and helpful in keeping you firmly in place physically connected to the earth.
I will be chatting about all these techniques and more in my online zoom class this THURSDAY at 7 PM eastern time. Tickets are only eight dollars and you can purchase them by clicking here.