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It is time to stop pushing against...

About a week ago I wrote a blog post and referenced the confederate flag as a symbol of division and hatred. In essence I was 'pushing against' something that I believe to be detrimental to our unity as a country and the potential divisive and hateful nature of its use by some people in our country. I was immediately called to task about the possibility that the people in question may have not meant it that way. Another person accused me of being unloving and hypocritical and suggested I go ask them what their intention was before I make a judgment. Some people came to my defense and others argued against me. In essence, proving my original point of how divisive we have become as a country. No one really relenting their point and people engaged in heated debate creating an even deeper divide with one another. While I still stand by what I originally wrote, I do recognize how I might have been quick to judgment and how my response could have been more loving had I focused on what I desire to see in the world instead of sadness or frustration or anger with what I am seeing. Even the smallest suggestion of what could be considered 'pushing against' creates an energetic reaction of defense and blame. The original message I posted was meant to be an informative post about how as we move more and more TOWARDS LOVE, what is NOT LOVE will rise to the surface. Both in OTHERS AND in OURSELVES. And that message got lost in the debate of the symbol I chose to represent what I saw as proof of that. For years I have been a component of NOT pushing against anything. NOT protesting what you don't want, but rather WORKING, SUPPORTING, PRAISING and COMMITTING TIME AND EFFORT to CREATE what you DO want! If people would take the SAME AMOUNT of TIME AND EFFORT to BRING ABOUT OPPORTUNITIES to SHOW LOVE, GRACE, COMPASSION and HELP others in SUPPORTING what we want to see in the world, instead of feeling such an incredible need to tear others down, we would be able to affect so many more lives in a positive way. And in this way we would be able to actually BENEFIT the world to progress in the direction of what we desire instead of just pushing against or trying to tear down what we don't want. Even this post about PUSHING AGAINST, is kind of pushing against PUSHING AGAINST! LOL. And so I have created a small ripple of defense, in order to make a point. I'm not saying we shouldn't stand up for what we believe in or support those who are being attacked through our words and our actions. However, my belief is that we create FAR MORE expansive change when we choose to ACTIVELY PARTICIPATE in POSITIVE CREATIVE SOLUTIONS rather than fighting those who disagree with us or who are pushing in another direction. THERE IS ROOM FOR ALL OF US. And the more we focus on LOVE and HARMONY the more POSITIVE SOLUTIONS that work for everyone will be discovered. The energy of this country has been one of division for many many years and that division is tearing us apart as a people. If we are to make any REAL PROGRESS there has to be a commitment toward FINDING COMMON GROUND. And that common ground is LOVE. And until we are able to TRULY value LOVE as THE MOST important aspect of our humanity this deep divide will continue. So for the next several weeks I'm going to be posting suggestions for how we can help bring more LOVE and COMPASSION into our experiences and really NUTURE the SEED of the HEART of LOVE for both ourselves and our friends, family and neighbors around us, no matter what we all believe. LOVE truly is the pathway forward. Sincerely, Brian Borell – Spirit Speaker

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