Words can't even begin to describe the magical synchronicities this week long journey to Mt. Shasta has brought to me. The intensity of the beauty of this incredibly spiritual place and the connections that were made both on the physical and etheric planes have left me feeling so grateful. Learning to go with the flow at deeper and deeper levels has allowed me to connect with energies both internally and externally I never thought possible. As I was meditating at Sisson Meadow one morning I was contemplating all that life has brought to me and sitting under a great pine tree in utter gratitude of the beauty of the natural world around me. A gorgeous blue bird landed on the branch above me and started cawing. I looked up at her and felt the warm presence of my spirit guides fill my being. I knew she was sent to remind me that all is well and that I am being looked after and cared for. Suddenly, she flew into a bush that was directly in front of me, then after a few moments flew back to another branch just above my head. I noticed she had a small green leaf in her beak which she promptly let go of and it drifted right to my feet. I picked it up with awe in my eyes and looked up at her to thank her for the simple gift. She cawed again and flew to another branch just above my head and just sat there with me as I continued my meditation now holding my little green leaf gift.
My body just buzzed as we communed together celebrating the beauty of the world around us. As I held that little gift and meditated, I began to think about how incredible it would be if everyone would treat each other in these simple but kind and beautiful ways. Offering gratitude, a heart felt hug, exchanging joyful words of support and well-being. If we could shift our focus to treating each other with kindness, grace and beauty, EVEN when it isn't easy, we would open the door to many more magical moments in our lives. During a moment of fear, I lashed out pretty harshly at a very close friend. While I may have been justified in my reaction, I came to realize later how important the events surrounding the situation were, both for myself and my friend.
We have been so programmed to believe that we have to FIGHT for our beliefs, or STAND-UP against perceived INJUSTICE and WRONG-DOINGS, that we tend to forget there are so many REASONS for the things that are happening in the world around us. If we can just TRUST that NO MATTER what occurs, SPIRIT has our back and we are being GUIDED to the BEST POSSIBLE path for ourselves, EVEN WHEN IT SEEMS SCARY, then we OPEN THE DOOR to so many magical moments that SPIRIT has waiting for us. But when we stew in FEAR or ANGER those pathways CAN NOT be SEEN by us. And ultimately our fear or anger does nothing to help or resolve an issue. It merely blocks us from experiencing the wonderful alignment that SPIRIT has prepared for us.
So with gratitude I thank my friend for allowing me to expand and grow in my JOURNEY of LOVE and trust and I ask FORGIVENESS for any harm or hurt I caused through my angry outburst. To all my friends and family I also ask FORGIVENESS for any painful words or deeds that may have gone unnoticed. Please accept my deepest apologies and KNOW I AM STRIVING to DO BETTER. To always LIVE and STAY FOCUSSED on the SEED of the HEART of LOVE. Even when it isn't easy. For it's in those difficult moments that your SPIRITUAL PATH is tested. When the words that you speak are TRULY put to action. And it's ok if we make a mistake, but it's important to KNOW, RECOGNIZE and remember when we have fallen out of LOVE. And do our best to return to that place of DIVINE ALIGNMENT as soon as humanly, spiritually possible. I promise you that once you are able to put all these PETTY fears and anger and frustrations behind you, and YES they are all PETTY, as important as they may SEEM to you in the moment. SPIRIT will ALWAYS SWOOP in and point you in the direction of the MOST LOVING and BEAUTIFUL OUTCOMES possible! As the week continued lots of 'plans' went array. What we thought we would be doing turned into other paths completely, but every path we followed lead us to yet another amazing experience! A place of JOY and CELEBRATION. Meeting NEW FRIENDS and FAMILY, both SPIRITUAL & PHYSICAL, none of which would have been possible had we stuck to our original plans. Trusting that SPIRIT knows the best possible path for you to follow is a NEW WAY of living for some of us. Especially those of you like me that like to plan every moment. Haha. And I'm in no way saying that plans are bad. Planning can be so much fun and enjoyable. Just allow yourself the flexibility to let SPIRIT GUIDE you in the MOMENT. And recognize those deviations might just be leading you to an incredibly JOYFUL moment that you didn't even know was possible. Trust, trust, trust! Believe, believe, believe! Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy! LIFE IS TRULY MAGICAL!