What is SIN?
Easter always brings to mind the concept of SIN for me. When I was younger I was taught that if I SINNED and didn't repent that GOD would judge me and send me to HELL. Kind of a rough thing to tell a child. But it's repeated over and over and over again in pulpits all across the world. Sometimes more directly than others, but always inferred. Then I was taught about the redeeming qualities of a SAVIOR who DIED so I didn't have to go to HELL. But I still had to ask for forgiveness and stop SINNING. I remember asking what happens if I SIN, but I don't get a chance to ask for forgiveness. And I die real fast and I didn't get a chance to say I'm sorry. Do I go to heaven or hell? I was terrified of hell. FIRE and BRIMSTONE for eternity? That sounds horrible. And you should have seen the cartoon pamphlets they handed out depicting my doom. Why it's enough to make ANYONE repent, let alone a small vulnerable child. Then we were told about this SON who GOD sent to the world, to show us love and how he was murdered to somehow prove that we were worthy to be forgiven and by rising from the DEAD proves that we can all be saved. From SIN. Well what's SIN? Now that was up to interpretation. There were all kinds of beliefs about that. And thousands of denominations who each had an opinion about what SIN was acceptable and what SIN was really bad and what SIN was OK if you didn't tell anyone. And some would say it's OK to SIN if you're saved, the blood has your back, but only for a certain amount of time cause if it runs out then you're considered a back slider and you gotta pray for your redemption again. Then you're good for the most part. Unless you're willingly doing something bad. Well what's bad? Well bad is what we decide in our annual convention of beliefs. And if you don't like our version of bad well there's a few churches down the road that have a different definition of bad and you can check them out until you find one that kind of fits your lifestyle. But don't you have a book that tells you what all the SINS are? Yea, but that's all up for interpretation. And some of us like the really bad sins, but the ones that tell us to stop doing something we really like, well those are antiquated and who are we to judge. Only GOD can judge. And besides if you're saved it really doesn't matter. Or does it? Well it does if our political party has decided you're going a bit too far with your ideas. And this is gonna get us votes. Cause those people are really afraid of SIN. Cause no one wants to go to hell. And if we say YOU are OK doing that BAD thing that we REALLY REALLY don't like, cause we don't understand it... then we don't really have anything BAD to point to distract you from the OK SINS that we are doing. For awhile we thought maybe it would be OK to let some of you guys in. Even a few churches said GAYS are OK!! But then you started talking about actually changing your SEX. And then we were like NO WAY. That's too much. GOD definitely doesn't like that and then some of the Gays were like. Yea, we worked really hard to get our SINS absolved by these people who make up the SIN rules and some of them FINALLY let us into church which kinda guaranteed that we're not gonna go to hell. We're gonna side with them so we don't get kicked out, hell sounds like a real bummer dude. Sooooo now we're JUST for the LGB part. Slippery slope and all. I'm really starting to get confused now cause the SIN of abortion is now REALLY REALLY important. But the SIN of allowing mass assault weapons to be readily available to whomever... well that's NOT a sin! DEADLY FORCE is our GOD GIVEN RIGHT! No no no. God definitely is cool with lots and lots of weapons. No sin there. God loves lots of deadly force weapons, bombs, armies. Yea. We gotta have a way to defend ourselves against all these SINNERS. OK, got it. So what about prostitutes and sexual promiscuity and divorce and sex out of marriage and paying off prostitutes with hush money? That's GOTTA be a SIN right??? ABSOLUTELY! If you're gay or ya know. One of those degenerates.... But if you 'GRAB EM BY THE...' It's just men being men. OK, so that's not a SIN? Well yea. But if you ask forgiveness, it's no big deal. We'll still vote you in to lead us. Wait, wait, wait. I'm really confused. I grew up being told some really strict standards regarding sin and it just feels like you're making things up willy nilly? What about standards? What about rules? How do I know which ones to follow and which ones it's OK to break? Doesn't matter. We've been saved from all of that. Except if you're GAY... (well some of the gays are ok) but definitely not if you're TRANS or you had an ABORTION. There's a few others that are for sure going to hell. But, we might let you in if you deny all that and really reform yourself. But doubt that's gonna happen. Have fun burning for all eternity... HUH???
So I asked my guides for clarification on this. WHAT is SIN?
“God or Source Energy as you like to refer to the CREATOR ENERGY is in essence LOVE. Not the LOVE that many of you define as humanly love, but the essence of RADIATING JOY, LOVE, CREATIVE, SOURCE, BEINGINGNESS that we ALL are at OUR CORE. It is an energy STATE of BEING that can not be given or even received as it JUST IS and IT IS WHO YOU ARE.
And SIN as you are referencing it here is ANYTHING that keeps YOU from KNOWING, RECOGNIZING and LIVING the ALIGNMENT or UNDERSTANDING of YOUR CONNECTION and UNIFICATION with GOD (CREATOR, SOURCE, ENERGY, JOY, LOVE, BEINGNESS). That's it. It's as simple as that. LOVE IS / AND SIN is ONLY that which KEEPS YOU from RADIATING the ALIGNMENT and LOVE of GOD in YOU.
Jesus came as a LIVING EXAMPLE of what it means to RADIATE the ALIGNMENT of the LOVE of GOD in HUMAN FORM. He did not come to forgive you of sin, He came to TEACH YOU A NEW WAY OF UNDERSTANDING WHAT IT MEANS TO BE LOVE! And by taking that example of LOVE into your HEART and finding WAYS TO EXEMPLIFY that alignment through LOVING BEINGINGNESS.
GOD IS LOVE. Period. Everything else is man's attempt to control, to explain, to exonerate or condemn. GOD DOES NOT JUDGE. MAN JUDGE's. And man has tried to control the face of GOD by putting his own fears unto the face of GOD.
When you step back from the energy of all that is happening around you and TRULY ASK for the PRESENCE of GOD/CREATOR/SOURCE ENERGY/LOVE to PERMEATE your BEINGINGNESS. ALL ELSE fades away and ONLY LOVE REMAINS. It is this STATE of BEING that CHRIST came to share with the world and UNTIL you ACCEPT this form of alignment you are all living in SIN.
But there is no HELL to condemn you or to punish you. ONLY ETERNAL LOVE. That each and everyone of you has access to CONTINUOUSLY and FOREVERMORE. GOD IS LOVE. LOVE IS. YOU ARE LOVE. GOD IS LOVE IN YOU. YOU ARE ETERNAL AND FOREVERMORE.”
With our deepest love,
Your Spirit Guides and Ascended Masters WE ARE ALL ONE!
