How NOT to survive Mercury Retrograde
Step 1: Post lots of memes about Mercury Retrograde and make tons of comments about how you can feel the energy effecting you already.
Step 2: Talk and complain about it a lot with your friends and share stories about how much you are all feeling the effects.
Step 3: Read long explanations about what it is and how it's going to effect you and then make a mental checklist of all the things that line-up with what you're experiencing right now and how horrible it is/will be.
Step 4: Re-post all these explanations, memes and comments to all your friends on social media so they can be WARNED and learn how they can survive it too.
We've all done the above, including myself, when times of energetic shifts are happening. We often have a tendency to focus on what can go wrong instead of how to utilize this energy for something beneficial. This week during our Language of Light communication session we asked Spirit about how much validity there is to the often talked about and dreaded effects of Mercury Retrograde on our personal experiences and the body mind spirit complex. Spirit responded with some surprising numbers. While there is certainly a slight shift in the vibrational atmosphere that does have an effect on our day-to-day lives during periods of Mercury Retrograde that shift only accounts for approximately 10% of the actual experiences we are having. The other 90% is due to the intense focus that is being placed on what COULD go wrong and the “problems” that MIGHT occur. That energetic focus then intensifies and magnifies the actual manifestational influences of the Mercury Retrograde period itself. If we would focus less on the energy as some sort of 'ominous' time period and would just naturally flow with the changes we would have a much easier experience with it.
So what does that mean for us practically? Just relax! Allow the energy to move with you and not against you. If you're feeling a need to rest or step back from the intensity that you are experiencing in your life then give yourself permission to do that. Take a nap, increase your meditation time, walk in the woods, spend time with your pets. Let the ebb and flow of the energy support you not work against you. And if you hit some speed bumps along the way then just reset, recharge and reboot yourself. The Universe is a very diverse conglomeration of energy, magnetism, vibration and manifestation. But ultimately we are in control of WHAT and HOW we experience it. Be easy about it and trust the daily process of your lives. The more you center yourself and align with your source energy the easier it is to flow with the patterns of the energy surrounding you in the Universe and utilize them ALL toward your highest and best good. Yes, even during Mercury Retrograde.