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Energy Update 8/17/22

I haven't written one of these in a long time, but the energy that has been coming through lately has felt significant enough that I thought it was important to post this message and the information I've been receiving the last week or so from my guides.

The energy we have been feeling coming through on the planet since the Lion's Gate Portal on 8/8 is the MOST intense energy that has been transmitted to this planet for 15 years. The purpose of this energy is to lock into place the AGAPE TIMELINE. For those of you that participated in last year's Lion's Gate Portal and Agape Timeline Activation Gathering, you will remember that the Agape Timeline was introduced to the planet but not fully acclimated. Last year was the starting of the 'TIPPING POINT' in that there was enough shift in the baseline vibratory frequency in enough of the planet's population that a timeline shift could occur. This was due in part to the locking in of the new vibrational dimension platform that occurred in early 2021. Even though we as a planet have had access to the AGAPE TIMELINE, not all humans have been able to live from the SEED of the HEART of LOVE which is a necessary component to living within this particular timeline energy field. So while some have been able to remain centered, those who are still living in their own personal chaotic centers of FEAR, ANXIETY, PRIDE, HATE etc.. have caused the timeline to waver and even 'reverberate' at times, creating a less than smooth flow for EVERYONE across the planetary timeline. I will explain it in this way. Someone who is centered and living MOSTLY from the SEED of the HEART of LOVE will be living life with enthusiasm, excitement and inspired action, and as they move through their lives everything seems to be flowing smoothly, but maybe their friends or family members are not fully centered on the timeline, so when this person makes plans that include these friends and family members the timeline 'wavers and or reverberates' and the flow is disrupted. Plans don't work out, seemingly good ideas fail to come together, work projects are disrupted or even stopped all together. And the one who was FEELING the INCREDIBLE synchronicity of the AGAPE TIMELINE is confused because what felt like absolutely inspired and supported action falls apart and the place they thought they were going shifts. The reason this is happening is because this timeline has not fully locked into place and so the INFLUENCE of those who are NOT centered and living from the SEED of the HEART of LOVE still had influence over those who are. Now I'm not saying this to split up people and place some in the good box and some in the bad box. We are all CREATOR SOURCE energy at our CORE and it's just a matter of how often we recognize that fact and LIVE from that space or instead are FOCUSSED on PUSHING AGAINST that which we do not want or like. LOVE NEVER PUSHES AGAINST. LOVE JUST IS. And once the SEED of the HEART of LOVE becomes the dominant focus in ones life then the circumstances one experiences starts to shift to that LOVING CENTER that we ALL ARE AT OUR CORE. What is happening now is that the AGAPE TIMELINE is being locked into place so that LESS reverberation can occur. Those who are focused on the SEED of the HEART of LOVE in their lives will be able to move forward with more purpose and will have less instability in their lives. Those who are not living from a place of LOVE will find themselves in more and more difficult circumstances until they are more or less FORCED to let go and let LOVE or they will move into a different timeline all together. The reason we have been in this place of REVERBERATION for so long was to allow as many people as possible to become as CLEAR as possible so that they will have an easier time living from a place of LOVE. It will take another 2 – 4 months for these energies to lock in fully, but this first wave will be the strongest and the following waves will dissipate and become less and less intense as the timeline solidifies into place. I will be doing energy/reading gatherings online and in person throughout the next several months to help everyone to balance out these energies on a personal level and to help people access their personal connection to the SEED of the HEART of LOVE on the AGAPE TIMELINE.

Here's some things you MAY be experiencing. PLEASE keep in mind any PHYSICAL issues should always be referred to your DOCTOR. Even though there may be vibrational and spiritual components to these energies any physical manifestations that occur for you should be addressed by a physical professional.

Fogginess in your thinking, even feelings of pressure on the top of the head (crown chakra ) where this energy is coming in.

Occasional blurriness of vision that comes and goes seemingly related to the third eye ( forehead just between the eyes )

Anxiety that rests in the body just above the solar plexus and just below the heart. You may also even be feeling a sadness with no real reason you can point to. I've also felt a sadness that almost seems external. Just outside of my body. Not fully mine, but connected to me in some way. I've found this is often related to the 'relationship entity' with another. You may be feeling a disconnect or sadness about connections that are no longer viable as you may be existing in a different timeline or vibrational space.

Pain in unusual places in your physical body that seem to come and go out of nowhere. Often times in the lower extremities or spine.

( always check with your physician! )

Plans that seem to be going perfectly for you and then suddenly when another person is introduced to the mix nothing seems to align.

Confusion about choices. Not knowing for sure what to do. Not being able to plan too far into the future because you have a sense that things just won't work out.

Sudden loss of job or end of a relationship that seemingly comes out of nowhere. This is indicative that a timeline has made a very abrupt shift in order to allow you to find your center. While it may feel very upsetting or hurtful, in the long run it will actually be a very important shift for your benefit.

Here's some ideas to help bring relief...

Head relief. I have been putting light pressure on my third eye with a mask, memory foam pillow, or even just softly rubbing. You can also do this for the top of the head ( crown chakra ). Warm showers focusing on letting the water run down over the top of your head and forehead.

Deep breathing. Making sure that you are focusing on breathing deeply IN and OUT. I have found myself almost holding my breath at times when the anxiety gets to be too much. Making a special effort to really focus on breathing in and out deeply helps me a lot.

Connection to nature ESPECIALLY WATER! Being on or near the water. Swimming and getting your head under water. Walking in the woods and TOUCHING the trees, flowers, streams with open palms.

Pets and animals. Spend time with your pets if you have them or find a petting zoo where you can connect to the energy of animals. I have had so many encounters with animals in the wild this year it's really been incredible. Animals and birds are easily accessible by the spirit realm so they will often be used to help remind you of your guides connection to you letting you know you are loved and watched over.

Foods close to the earth. This morning when I woke up I was so lethargic I could barely move. I slept in a few hours and then meditated for over an hour. As I was meditating and receiving this message I was given instructions on what to do to come into alignment before writing. The last thing on the list was to eat an apple. And while everything else felt good, it wasn't until I ate the apple that I felt my entire body shift in it's energy field. It seems silly that something that simple could have such a major impact on my body and energy field, but for me it absolutely did. We are so used to eating processed foods in this day and age, some of us forget how divine a simple piece of fruit can be. I am lucky to have grown up in a family that owned a produce stand so I have always had access to fresh fruits and veggies. Those who know me, know I love to eat, so I am in no way demonizing food choices. I'm only stating that when you really want to come into alignment energetically foods that are freshly picked have extremely clear vibrational energies and can help energize you body mind and spirit.

Energy healing. Because a lot of what we are experiencing now has vibrational and spiritual causes/roots energy healing techniques are EXTREMELY beneficial in clearing and balancing your body, mind, field complex. Those of you that know Reiki or have friends who do Reiki, help each other out. I will also be having gatherings soon to utilize Phoenix Vibrational Healing and other energy methods for helping you to process these intense energies we have been experiencing.

Stay In the Moment. A good friend of mine did a one card reading for me earlier this summer and in that reading he said, “Everything you want is right here and now. Stop asking so many questions about the future. In your projecting into the future you will miss all the incredible stuff that is right here where you are now.” Because this timeline is reverberating so intensely right now, nothing is fully certain. But, if you're residing from the SEED of the HEART of LOVE you can know that what YOU are experiencing in THIS MOMENT is LOVE. That becomes a CHOICE of FOCUS. And when you're purposely focusing in your NOW MOMENT and asking the question. HOW can I be LOVE NOW. You will begin to see that all your dreams and desires can be fulfilled, RIGHT HERE, RIGHT NOW. Moment by Moment.

Stay Tuned! I will be posting more regular updates as we continue to process, balance and align this incredible energy and the AGAPE TIMELINE. I will also be posting my Fall Gathering Schedule which will include open reading nights, energy healing sessions and private reading appointments.

I'm so excited to be connecting with you all again!

Big Hugs & Aloha,

Brian Borell – Spirit Speaker


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